Decimal (DEL) is the main currency of the blockchain and token constructor. It is a simple and optimized constructor with the ability to build cryptocurrencies without special skills.
News about Decimal
21 Nov 2022, 18:21
21 Nov 2022, 14:52
📊 Аналитика за неделю с 14-21 ноября:
🔹Количество транзакций возросло на 205%
🔹На Decimalchain стали проводить транзакций на 102% больше по сравнению с показателями прошлой недели.
🔹Подключился новый валидатор. Приветствуем его!
🔹Соответственно увеличению количества транзакций, увеличилась и эмиссия на 47 246 369,75.
🔹За прошедшую неделю, участники делегировали монет на 55 667 334,81 больше монет, так держать!
🔹Количество найденных за неделю блоков возросло на 103 963, при этом награда за один осталась прежней — 454 DEL. На Decimalchain был создан новый проект, вдобавок к предыдущим 131.
🔹В сравнении с предыдущими показателями, за неделю было создано 2 791 кошельков, а активных кошельков в общей сумме стало на 2 792 больше.
Аналитика за неделю с 14-21 ноября:. Количество транзакций возросло на 205%.📊 Аналитика за неделю с 14-21 ноября:
🔹Количество транзакций возросло на 205%
🔹На Decimalchain стали проводить транзакций на 102% больше по сравнению с показателями прошлой недели.
🔹Подключился новый валидатор. Приветствуем его!
🔹Соответственно увеличению количества транзакций, увеличилась и эмиссия на 47 246 369,75.
🔹За прошедшую неделю, участники делегировали монет на 55 667 334,81 больше монет, так держать!
🔹Количество найденных за неделю блоков возросло на 103 963, при этом награда за один осталась прежней — 454 DEL. На Decimalchain был создан новый проект, вдобавок к предыдущим 131.
🔹В сравнении с предыдущими показателями, за неделю было создано 2 791 кошельков, а активных кошельков в общей сумме стало на 2 792 больше.
21 Nov 2022, 07:00
#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 6124
🔹Transactions 1198046
🔹Validators 50
🔹Supply 2 273 440 173.91 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 161 861 556.72 DEL
🔹Last block 12 266 543
🔹Block reward 454 DEL
🔹Coins 132
🔹All wallets 176413
🔹Active wallets 176391
#Explorer DecimalChain:. Transactions in 24 hours 6124. Transactions 1198046. Validators 50. Supply 2 273 440 173. 91 DEL.#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 6124
🔹Transactions 1198046
🔹Validators 50
🔹Supply 2 273 440 173.91 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 161 861 556.72 DEL
🔹Last block 12 266 543
🔹Block reward 454 DEL
🔹Coins 132
🔹All wallets 176413
🔹Active wallets 176391
20 Nov 2022, 18:00
How about take some rest and look for DEL logos that are hidden in the room?
Write in comments how many did you find!
For fun, you can name all the Easter eggs that are depicted here.
Let's go!
How about take some rest and look for DEL logos that are hidden in the room. Write in comments how many did you find.How about take some rest and look for DEL logos that are hidden in the room?
Write in comments how many did you find!
For fun, you can name all the Easter eggs that are depicted here.
Let's go! https://t.co/I3KbBTbWoT
20 Nov 2022, 16:45
За нашим проектом на протяжении этого года пристально следит “большой брат” и наше очередное совместное достижение — выход в сеть BSC третьего токена на блокчейне Decimal, которым стал DCLXXXIX, было замечено и мы получили ряд приятных бонусов, о которых мы расскажем вам после того как будут достигнуты результаты.
Так как 90% владельцев монет уже самоорганизовались и выполнили первый, самый важный пункт — список наших с вами контрактов уже отправлен к аудиторам Binance, по результатам оценки п.2, п.3 лучшие проекты получат поддержку от Decimal (листинги, Pancake, выход на CMC), если какой-то из проектов заинтересует Binance, не исключена возможность получения гранта и привилегий от команды Binance Smart Chain.
И как вы уже поняли, мы объявляем старт программы вывода наших монет на CoinMarketCap, о чем детальнее будет написан отдельный пост.
Больше информации и все необходимые инструкции проекты могут узнать по ссылке.
За нашим проектом на протяжении этого года пристально следит "большой брат" и наше очередное совместное достижение — выход в сетЗа нашим проектом на протяжении этого года пристально следит “большой брат” и наше очередное совместное достижение — выход в сеть BSC третьего токена на блокчейне Decimal, которым стал DCLXXXIX, было замечено и мы получили ряд приятных бонусов, о которых мы расскажем вам после того как будут достигнуты результаты.
Так как 90% владельцев монет уже самоорганизовались и выполнили первый, самый важный пункт — список наших с вами контрактов уже отправлен к аудиторам Binance, по результатам оценки п.2, п.3 лучшие проекты получат поддержку от Decimal (листинги, Pancake, выход на CMC), если какой-то из проектов заинтересует Binance, не исключена возможность получения гранта и привилегий от команды Binance Smart Chain.
И как вы уже поняли, мы объявляем старт программы вывода наших монет на CoinMarketCap, о чем детальнее будет написан отдельный пост.
Больше информации и все необходимые инструкции проекты могут узнать по ссылке.
19 Nov 2022, 18:11
🖖Do you know that #NFT is not just digital art at a high cost, but also a really useful #technology? Find out how to use it and what else #benefits NFT could bring!
Do you know that #NFT is not just digital art at a high cost, but also a really useful #technology.🖖Do you know that #NFT is not just digital art at a high cost, but also a really useful #technology? Find out how to use it and what else #benefits NFT could bring!
🤩https://t.co/9bFBoREEdt https://t.co/0VikinAkxm
19 Nov 2022, 17:55
🤔 What unites files of .jpg, .mp3, .mp4 and Lamborghini? Right, it's a tricky question and the answer is they all can be NFT! You're definitely confused.
💡So, we offer you to examine this topic and dispel any prejudices related to NFT by reading our new article. There we take a look at NFT from the opposite prospect not as expensive pictures.
Tap on the link and read! 👉
What unites files of . jpg, . mp3, . mp4 and Lamborghini. Right, it's a tricky question and the answer is they all can be NFT.🤔 What unites files of .jpg, .mp3, .mp4 and Lamborghini? Right, it's a tricky question and the answer is they all can be NFT! You're definitely confused.
💡So, we offer you to examine this topic and dispel any prejudices related to NFT by reading our new article. There we take a look at NFT from the opposite prospect not as expensive pictures.
Tap on the link and read! 👉
19 Nov 2022, 06:01
👋 Hello everyone! Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time.
Yesterday was the final session with Nick and Margo.
It was great and instructive, what do you think?
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and what exactly you would like to watch.
00:10 introduction
00:29 Smart contracts at DApps
01:35 DEX is like Metamask and Uniswap?
02:03 New users are new projects
02:39 The community influence on Decimal
02:50 How does DAO work?
03:22 The launch of stablecoin
03:48 What is launchpad?
04:12 Does launchpad operate on smart contracts?
04:50 The role of smart contract
05:03 Mathematics in Decimal
05:46 Formulas in Decimal
06:17 What is the percent of CRR should be for creating token?
06:32 Company's plans for the new year
07:41 Glossary
Timecodes are in the video description for your convenience:
Hello everyone. Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time. Yesterday was the final session with Nick and Margo.👋 Hello everyone! Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time.
Yesterday was the final session with Nick and Margo.
It was great and instructive, what do you think?
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and what exactly you would like to watch.
00:10 introduction
00:29 Smart contracts at DApps
01:35 DEX is like Metamask and Uniswap?
02:03 New users are new projects
02:39 The community influence on Decimal
02:50 How does DAO work?
03:22 The launch of stablecoin
03:48 What is launchpad?
04:12 Does launchpad operate on smart contracts?
04:50 The role of smart contract
05:03 Mathematics in Decimal
05:46 Formulas in Decimal
06:17 What is the percent of CRR should be for creating token?
06:32 Company's plans for the new year
07:41 Glossary
Timecodes are in the video description for your convenience: https://youtu.be/b6Hc6exf3LM
18 Nov 2022, 16:49
Time for a digest, isn't it? You haven't forgotten about him, have you? Then, here we go!
🧑💻 This week's webinar series with Decimal's CBDO comes to an end
Tuesday was the last webinar on White Paper. You can revisit the webinar series on the YouTube channel
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the session.
🏆 Conducted and summarised the giveaway
Last Thursday, we launched the contest with a prize pool of 5,000 DEL. Today, we've announced the 10 lucky winners on Twitter. Go to our profile there to find out who will share 5,000 DEL! We're waiting for the winners' Decimal wallet addresses in our personal messages on Twitter.
🔧 Made technical work to improve the Decimal Wallet app
Decimal developers have improved some features in the wallet app this week. Everything is running stable and working properly.
👓 We took apart the structures...
...Security and authentication systems in EVM, IBC, Decimalchain. The question covered in the article we received from our audience, so we're sure the answer will be useful to many. Ask your questions, and suggest topics for future articles and feature breakdowns!
Stay tuned!
Time for a digest, isn't it. You haven't forgotten about him, have you. Then, here we go.Time for a digest, isn't it? You haven't forgotten about him, have you? Then, here we go!
🧑💻 This week's webinar series with Decimal's CBDO comes to an end
Tuesday was the last webinar on White Paper. You can revisit the webinar series on the YouTube channel
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the session.
🏆 Conducted and summarised the giveaway
Last Thursday, we launched the contest with a prize pool of 5,000 DEL. Today, we've announced the 10 lucky winners on Twitter. Go to our profile there to find out who will share 5,000 DEL! We're waiting for the winners' Decimal wallet addresses in our personal messages on Twitter.
🔧 Made technical work to improve the Decimal Wallet app
Decimal developers have improved some features in the wallet app this week. Everything is running stable and working properly.
👓 We took apart the structures...
...Security and authentication systems in EVM, IBC, Decimalchain. The question covered in the article we received from our audience, so we're sure the answer will be useful to many. Ask your questions, and suggest topics for future articles and feature breakdowns!
Stay tuned!
15 Nov 2022, 17:26
The giveaway of 5,000 DEL is still here!
The reminder list of terms:
1. Follow @DecimalChain on Twitter
(https://t.co/qOkVS8gfmT)2. Tap on the link
(https://t.co/ODI7yThKw5)3. Fill in the Google Form
4. Send your form
5. Wait for the prize
The giveaway of 5,000 DEL is still here. The reminder list of terms:. Follow @DecimalChain on Twitter. Tap on the link.The giveaway of 5,000 DEL is still here!
The reminder list of terms:
1. Follow @DecimalChain on Twitter
(https://t.co/qOkVS8gfmT)2. Tap on the link
(https://t.co/ODI7yThKw5)3. Fill in the Google Form
4. Send your form
5. Wait for the prize https://t.co/dlAzaYkcvC
14 Nov 2022, 17:25
Well… here’s the correct answer with logos that were broken apart
Ethereum, Bitcoin, Decimal, Polygon, Cardano
Well… here's the correct answer with logos that were broken apart. Ethereum, Bitcoin, Decimal, Polygon, Cardano.Well… here’s the correct answer with logos that were broken apart
Ethereum, Bitcoin, Decimal, Polygon, Cardano https://t.co/V7LBCyEdAz
14 Nov 2022, 12:10
The amount of active wallets is more at 6,000 in comparison to last week. The number of validators increased also, now there are 49 and the block reward is 454 DEL!
Organically, supply expanded for 220,440,567,281.48 and the custom tokens gained 5 more…
The amount of active wallets is more at 6,000 in comparison to last week.The amount of active wallets is more at 6,000 in comparison to last week. The number of validators increased also, now there are 49 and the block reward is 454 DEL!
Organically, supply expanded for 220,440,567,281.48 and the custom tokens gained 5 more… https://t.co/WAYgPsXIFY https://t.co/4zu57i3egA
14 Nov 2022, 09:24
#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 2984
🔹Transactions 1170882
🔹Validators 49
🔹Supply 2 226 193 804.16 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 106 194 221.91 DEL
🔹Last block 12 162 580
🔹Block reward 454 DEL
🔹Coins 131
🔹All wallets 173622
🔹Active wallets 173599
#Explorer DecimalChain:. Transactions in 24 hours 2984. Transactions 1170882. Validators 49. Supply 2 226 193 804. 16 DEL.#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 2984
🔹Transactions 1170882
🔹Validators 49
🔹Supply 2 226 193 804.16 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 106 194 221.91 DEL
🔹Last block 12 162 580
🔹Block reward 454 DEL
🔹Coins 131
🔹All wallets 173622
🔹Active wallets 173599
12 Nov 2022, 16:38
Today, we offer you to change the focus attention from non-stop working brain to picture puzzle!
Write in the comments what tokens could you find?
Get the star if you found, have a good night!
Today, we offer you to change the focus attention from non-stop working brain to picture puzzle.Today, we offer you to change the focus attention from non-stop working brain to picture puzzle!
Write in the comments what tokens could you find?
Get the star if you found, have a good night! https://t.co/qoTmZ9rJLG
11 Nov 2022, 15:10
⛓ Evolving blockchains in the same information area bring an infinite variety of opportunities.
👓 In order to understand how did we get into the third-generation blockchain, we need to get back to the start. From the moment of Bitcoin release to now.
Learn more in our new article👇
Read time: 6 min
Evolving blockchains in the same information area bring an infinite variety of opportunities.⛓ Evolving blockchains in the same information area bring an infinite variety of opportunities.
👓 In order to understand how did we get into the third-generation blockchain, we need to get back to the start. From the moment of Bitcoin release to now.
Learn more in our new article👇
Read time: 6 min
10 Nov 2022, 17:21
🚀 So... the giveaway is started!
We know, you missed it, so it began as usual with the partnership with CoinMarketCap. Prize pool of 5,000 DEL, tap on the link below, fulfil the requirements and fill in blank spaces in the form to send a request.
🤓 How to take part?
1. Log in to Twitter
2. Follow @DecimalChain on Twitter
3. Tap on the link
4. Fill in the Google Form
5. Send your form
6. Wait for the prize
🏆 There will be 10 winners, and each of them will get 500 DEL. Results will be on 17 November, at 19:00 UTC +3.
Try your luck!
the giveaway is started. We know, you missed it, so it began as usual with the partnership with CoinMarketCap.🚀 So... the giveaway is started!
We know, you missed it, so it began as usual with the partnership with CoinMarketCap. Prize pool of 5,000 DEL, tap on the link below, fulfil the requirements and fill in blank spaces in the form to send a request.
🤓 How to take part?
1. Log in to Twitter
2. Follow @DecimalChain on Twitter
3. Tap on the link
4. Fill in the Google Form
5. Send your form
6. Wait for the prize
🏆 There will be 10 winners, and each of them will get 500 DEL. Results will be on 17 November, at 19:00 UTC +3.
Try your luck!
10 Nov 2022, 16:04
📣 Tomorrow will be a new AMA Session with the CBDO Nick Bogorad.
We keep on talking about updated White Paper.
You will know more about DApps, Roadmap and thus, the series of AMA sessions dedicated to White Paper is over.
🔔 Turn on notifications and come to the session. See you there!
Speakers: Nick Bogorad and Margo Ignatova
Date: 11 November
Time: 13:00 UTC +3
Place: YouTube channel
Tomorrow will be a new AMA Session with the CBDO Nick Bogorad. We keep on talking about updated White Paper.📣 Tomorrow will be a new AMA Session with the CBDO Nick Bogorad.
We keep on talking about updated White Paper.
You will know more about DApps, Roadmap and thus, the series of AMA sessions dedicated to White Paper is over.
🔔 Turn on notifications and come to the session. See you there!
Speakers: Nick Bogorad and Margo Ignatova
Date: 11 November
Time: 13:00 UTC +3
Place: YouTube channel
07 Nov 2022, 08:04
#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 6036
🔹Transactions 1146709
🔹Validators 47
🔹Supply 2 178 813 134.52 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 069 651 850.35 DEL
🔹Last block 12 055 763
🔹Block reward 425 DEL
🔹Coins 126
🔹All wallets 167474
🔹Active wallets 167450
#Explorer DecimalChain:. Transactions in 24 hours 6036. Transactions 1146709. Validators 47. Supply 2 178 813 134. 52 DEL.#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 6036
🔹Transactions 1146709
🔹Validators 47
🔹Supply 2 178 813 134.52 DEL
🔹Delegated 2 069 651 850.35 DEL
🔹Last block 12 055 763
🔹Block reward 425 DEL
🔹Coins 126
🔹All wallets 167474
🔹Active wallets 167450
05 Nov 2022, 07:01
👋 Hello everyone! Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time.
Yesterday was the fifth session with Nick and Margot and left alone.
It was great and instructive, what do you think?
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and what exactly you would like to watch.
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Functionality of Decimal
00:56 Base functions
01:37 New functionality
02:03 What new uses have been added because of the EVM?
02:41 Delegating in Ledger
02:51 What else will be on the blockchain?
03:39 Time frame of releasing what was planned
04:18 Focus group for testing
04:34 The copy of blockchain with wider range of functions
05:15 Do people support and develop the blockchain?
05:55 Next theme of the AMA session
🔔 See you next week, on Friday, the 11 November!
Hello everyone. Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time.👋 Hello everyone! Hope, you're doing well and enjoying your time.
Yesterday was the fifth session with Nick and Margot and left alone.
It was great and instructive, what do you think?
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and what exactly you would like to watch.
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Functionality of Decimal
00:56 Base functions
01:37 New functionality
02:03 What new uses have been added because of the EVM?
02:41 Delegating in Ledger
02:51 What else will be on the blockchain?
03:39 Time frame of releasing what was planned
04:18 Focus group for testing
04:34 The copy of blockchain with wider range of functions
05:15 Do people support and develop the blockchain?
05:55 Next theme of the AMA session
🔔 See you next week, on Friday, the 11 November!
04 Nov 2022, 08:40
We launched a new #update for the #Decimal Wallet #app to fix loading issues.
We recommend you install the latest app version for stable and high performance.
🍏 Download it
🤖 Get it
🔴 Explore
We launched a new #update for the #Decimal Wallet #app to fix loading issues.We launched a new #update for the #Decimal Wallet #app to fix loading issues.
We recommend you install the latest app version for stable and high performance.
🍏 Download it https://t.co/Gl3tDINRAC
🤖 Get it https://t.co/TDkFrdmANj
🔴 Explore https://t.co/fZnwEFTK02 https://t.co/uc2NnlBCyG
03 Nov 2022, 19:36
03 Nov 2022, 14:30
Weekly 5th #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will be tomorrow.
We continue discussing topics on updated White Paper 2.0.
5 of 6 webinar on functions of #Decimal. This time you will know what was planned firstly, where did it come and what goals do the company set.
Weekly 5th #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will be tomorrow. We continue discussing topics on updated White Paper 2.Weekly 5th #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will be tomorrow.
We continue discussing topics on updated White Paper 2.0.
5 of 6 webinar on functions of #Decimal. This time you will know what was planned firstly, where did it come and what goals do the company set. https://t.co/3azykVyE2O
02 Nov 2022, 15:29
Guys! We have ridiculous news.
The new article is out now! There you will find details and information on upcoming DSC and layers of blockchain
Tap on the link to find out what the DSC will look like:
We have ridiculous news. The new article is out now.Guys! We have ridiculous news.
The new article is out now! There you will find details and information on upcoming DSC and layers of blockchain
Tap on the link to find out what the DSC will look like: https://t.co/xb8w36YT39 https://t.co/lEEoHqjhjm
01 Nov 2022, 11:55
#meme #pokémongo
Cathcha. #meme #pokémongo.Cathcha!
#meme #pokémongo https://t.co/2tqnDkNtvO
31 Oct 2022, 12:54
29 Oct 2022, 15:02
Since we released WP, the AMA session started and detailed some points in the White Paper in the series of articles. It's time to get feedback!
Fill in the form of feedback, leave your opinion, suggestions, and recommendations.
Since we released WP, the AMA session started and detailed some points in the White Paper in the series of articles.Since we released WP, the AMA session started and detailed some points in the White Paper in the series of articles. It's time to get feedback!
Fill in the form of feedback, leave your opinion, suggestions, and recommendations.
https://t.co/bizXxikzdJ https://t.co/DujpLXtjVs
28 Oct 2022, 19:12
Also, the new #digest is waiting for you!
Read it here:
Also, the new #digest is waiting for you. Read it here:.Also, the new #digest is waiting for you!
Read it here: https://t.co/p1PljFlYfE https://t.co/boyBb4nn6A
28 Oct 2022, 17:19
🤩@elonmusk is a new @Twitter owner. The first management steps on his list were like:
- fire some Top managers
- bring the sink
- transfer to #WEB3.0
It really tied the room together, #dude #Musk
@elonmusk is a new @Twitter owner. The first management steps on his list were like:. - fire some Top managers.🤩@elonmusk is a new @Twitter owner. The first management steps on his list were like:
- fire some Top managers
- bring the sink
- transfer to #WEB3.0
It really tied the room together, #dude #Musk https://t.co/STIqDt35ja
27 Oct 2022, 14:32
📣 The weekly #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will take place tomorrow. We keep discussing topics on the updated White Paper.
You will know: general #blockchain design and generations. Also, what’s the #Decimalchain generation and #EVM.
The weekly #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will take place tomorrow. We keep discussing topics on the updated White Paper.📣 The weekly #AMA session with #CBDO Nick Bogorad will take place tomorrow. We keep discussing topics on the updated White Paper.
You will know: general #blockchain design and generations. Also, what’s the #Decimalchain generation and #EVM.
Link: https://t.co/GtdvP5jN1h https://t.co/bPcN8mQmKH
26 Oct 2022, 15:43
Finished the #verification process of #Decimal and DEL's provided data and numbers on @coinpaprika. The whole information was confirmed finally and Decimal took 794th place in the #ranking, pumped up from 4000+ places.
Find out details:
Finished the #verification process of #Decimal and DEL's provided data and numbers on @coinpaprika.Finished the #verification process of #Decimal and DEL's provided data and numbers on @coinpaprika. The whole information was confirmed finally and Decimal took 794th place in the #ranking, pumped up from 4000+ places.
Find out details: https://t.co/ntdr3ufEof https://t.co/GRvHCGWmSo
24 Oct 2022, 09:14
#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 3444
🔹Transactions 1091889
🔹Validators 49
🔹Supply 2 088 300 799.56 DEL
🔹Delegated 1 992 314 766.33 DEL
🔹Last block 11 843 238
🔹Block reward 425 DEL
🔹Coins 107
🔹All wallets 152690
🔹Active wallets 152667
#Explorer DecimalChain:. Transactions in 24 hours 3444. Transactions 1091889. Validators 49. Supply 2 088 300 799. 56 DEL.#Explorer DecimalChain:
🔹Transactions in 24 hours 3444
🔹Transactions 1091889
🔹Validators 49
🔹Supply 2 088 300 799.56 DEL
🔹Delegated 1 992 314 766.33 DEL
🔹Last block 11 843 238
🔹Block reward 425 DEL
🔹Coins 107
🔹All wallets 152690
🔹Active wallets 152667
21 Oct 2022, 20:28
Friday night exists to relax, take your time, have fun... and sure, for our Weekly #Digest!
You can find the full version of the digest here:
Friday night exists to relax, take your time, have fun. and sure, for our Weekly #Digest.Friday night exists to relax, take your time, have fun... and sure, for our Weekly #Digest!
You can find the full version of the digest here: https://t.co/sgVffUhHnj https://t.co/rM2fXbTKaJ
21 Oct 2022, 15:34
This Decimal channel and group chat are verified!
Today we got a check mark that proves us as a reliable and true company’s information source. Also, we are going to get approve mark on Instagram and Twitter soon.
Thank you for your interest, engagement and being active!
This Decimal channel and group chat are verified.This Decimal channel and group chat are verified!
Today we got a check mark that proves us as a reliable and true company’s information source. Also, we are going to get approve mark on Instagram and Twitter soon.
Thank you for your interest, engagement and being active! https://t.co/o3Lhr3x1Zd
21 Oct 2022, 09:00
It’s a reminder about 4th weekly #AMA session with Nick Bogorad in an hour.
We continue discussion on White Paper 2.0.
You will learn:
- Goals that #Decimal team strives to achieve;
- User scenarios at #Decimalchain;
- What is DEL.
The link:
It's a reminder about 4th weekly #AMA session with Nick Bogorad in an hour. We continue discussion on White Paper 2.It’s a reminder about 4th weekly #AMA session with Nick Bogorad in an hour.
We continue discussion on White Paper 2.0.
You will learn:
- Goals that #Decimal team strives to achieve;
- User scenarios at #Decimalchain;
- What is DEL.
The link: https://t.co/tLLQqDJf19 https://t.co/zgtkQFnU3e