Комьюнити. Сегодня, 27 июня в 13:00 UTC+3, успешно прошло автообновление сети Mainnet. Блок обновления: 15656601.
27 Jun 2023, 18:58
📈 Комьюнити!
🛡 Сегодня, 27 июня в 13:00 UTC+3, успешно прошло автообновление сети Mainnet.
Блок обновления: 15656601.
Мы заблаговременно отправили транзакцию для инициации автообновления:
В рамках данного автообновления были осуществлены следующие изменения:
🔸Исправлены ошибки Reward: после рестарта сети в результате имплементации EVM, вознаграждение за эпоху было статичным. Теперь расчёт вознаграждения динамический, принимая во внимание транзакции обновления с восстановлением периодов, связанных с эмиссией. Эмиссия была восстановлена, и её текущее значение составляет 698.
🔸Изменение количества доступных анбондов - ранее количество анбондов было ограничено 7 транзакциями в течение 30 дней. В связи с проведением обновления, этот показатель увеличен до 30.
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Same news in other sources
227 Jun 2023, 19:12
Dear Yellowians,
🍳 Chiang Mai Web3 community & Yellow Incubator are cooking something really special for the community this coming November 24-26!
🔥 EthChiangMai Unconference 1.0 is around the corner! Get ready for what is going to be the Blockchain event of the year in Thailand! 🚀
📣 Now calling all active participants to register:
Fill in the form, and meet us in November at Chiang Mai for an unforgettable meeting. 🎊
Dear Yellowians,.
Dear Yellowians,
🍳 Chiang Mai Web3 community & Yellow Incubator are cooking something really special for the community this coming November 24-26!
🔥 EthChiangMai Unconference 1.0 is around the corner! Get ready for what is going to be the Blockchain event of the year in Thailand! 🚀
📣 Now calling all active participants to register:
Fill in the form, and meet us in November at Chiang Mai for an unforgettable meeting. 🎊
27 Jun 2023, 18:58
📈 Community!
🛡 Today, June 27 at 13:00 UTC+3, the Mainnet auto-update was successful.
Update block: 15656601.
We sent a transaction in advance to initiate the auto-update:
The following changes were made as part of this auto-update:
🔸Corrected Reward bugs: after a network restart as a result of EVM implementation, the epoch reward was static. Reward calculation is now dynamic, taking into account update transactions with emission-related periods restored. The emission has been restored and its current value is 698.
🔸Change in the number of available enbonds - previously, the number of enbonds was limited to 7 transactions within 30 days. Due to the update, this number has been increased to 30.
📈Website | 🔸Binance Live | 🐦Twitter |
🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube |
📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Community. Today, June 27 at 13:00 UTC+3, the Mainnet auto-update was successful. Update block: 15656601.
📈 Community!
🛡 Today, June 27 at 13:00 UTC+3, the Mainnet auto-update was successful.
Update block: 15656601.
We sent a transaction in advance to initiate the auto-update:
The following changes were made as part of this auto-update:
🔸Corrected Reward bugs: after a network restart as a result of EVM implementation, the epoch reward was static. Reward calculation is now dynamic, taking into account update transactions with emission-related periods restored. The emission has been restored and its current value is 698.
🔸Change in the number of available enbonds - previously, the number of enbonds was limited to 7 transactions within 30 days. Due to the update, this number has been increased to 30.
📈Website | 🔸Binance Live | 🐦Twitter |
🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube |
📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord