Комьюнити. У нас новая видео-инструкция по Decimal:. "Консоль Decimal - элементы меню, типы адресов, обзор разделов.

22 Aug 2023, 15:12
📈 Комьюнити! 🌐 У нас новая видео-инструкция по Decimal: "Консоль Decimal - элементы меню, типы адресов, обзор разделов." 🔗 Мы добавляем хэштег #Инструкции для навигации среди этой серии роликов, посвящённых освоению работы с блокчейном Decimal. Для удобства, мы размещаем обучающие материалы в разном формате: Плейлист инструкций в Youtube; Текстовые инструкции в документации; База знаний на wiki-странице. 💫 Мы заботимся о том, чтобы у вас не возникало вопросов при работе с Decimal и вы комфортно пользовались всеми возможностями блокчейна. 🔗 Ссылка для просмотра: Смотрите, если актуально. Делитесь с теми, кому будет полезно. 📈Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат | 🪙CMC | 💸Дзен | 💬ВКонтакте | 📹YouTube | 🔶Binance live | 🔸Binance Feed

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
24 Aug 2023, 09:32
We are also integrating with GemPad🤝 You know what that means!🔵 Every project on the Decimal ecosystem will see this massive growth in the coming days! 🎉 Now is THE BEST TIME to build on Decimal. Start NOW!✨
We are also integrating with GemPad. You know what that means.
We are also integrating with GemPad🤝 You know what that means!🔵 Every project on the Decimal ecosystem will see this massive growth in the coming days! 🎉 Now is THE BEST TIME to build on Decimal. Start NOW!✨
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 18:30
But don't think this is all!👀 Bait your breaths a little bit longer. Tomorrow, we will pick out the winners from the thousand eligible contestants! Be sure to join us tomorrow! It's gonna be SUUUUPER fun! As always, thank you for this wonderful three-year journey.👑 (9/9)
But don't think this is all. Bait your breaths a little bit longer.
But don't think this is all!👀 Bait your breaths a little bit longer. Tomorrow, we will pick out the winners from the thousand eligible contestants! Be sure to join us tomorrow! It's gonna be SUUUUPER fun! As always, thank you for this wonderful three-year journey.👑 (9/9)
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 18:30
Prizes will be shipped in the coming week. Make sure to check your balances!🏆 And if you don't win, don't get upset. Decimal holds many contests. And maybe you will become the next winner! Who knows, really!?🎁 (8/9)
Prizes will be shipped in the coming week. Make sure to check your balances. And if you don't win, don't get upset.
Prizes will be shipped in the coming week. Make sure to check your balances!🏆 And if you don't win, don't get upset. Decimal holds many contests. And maybe you will become the next winner! Who knows, really!?🎁 (8/9)
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 18:30
🔵 From @midjourney free bot: 🎨 Midjourney free bot is our favorite art bot! It will distribute 1 $DEL for fast art generation to each user. Hurry up and experiment with the bot now!⏩ (7/9)
From @midjourney free bot:. Midjourney free bot is our favorite art bot.
🔵 From @midjourney free bot: 🎨 Midjourney free bot is our favorite art bot! It will distribute 1 $DEL for fast art generation to each user. Hurry up and experiment with the bot now!⏩ (7/9)
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 18:30
We are happy to announce that the Decimal 3rd birthday contest is over!🔵 We stayed up for three days and three nights to collect all the comments you left on all our social networks to participate in the Decimal birthday contest!🍰 Here is the summary👇 🧵(1/9)
We are happy to announce that the Decimal 3rd birthday contest is over.
We are happy to announce that the Decimal 3rd birthday contest is over!🔵 We stayed up for three days and three nights to collect all the comments you left on all our social networks to participate in the Decimal birthday contest!🍰 Here is the summary👇 🧵(1/9)
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 17:05
📈Hello, community! We are happy to announce that the Decimal birthday contest is over. We stayed up for three days and three nights to collect all the comments you left for almost a month on all our social networks to participate in the Decimal birthday contest. First of all, thank you again for your support and well wishes. We're sure we'll be coming back to them and rereading them to boost morale! Secondly, to the statistics. We have processed over 3000 comments and received almost 1000 relevant addresses. And it is among these addresses that the following prizes will be equally distributed: 🔸Of the Decimal blockchain team, 100,000 DDAO will be distributed; 🔸The exchange will distribute 1,000,000 BTT, which you can use to pay commissions at a discount of up to 50%, as well as vote for the listing of your token on the exchange and buy special statuses, more details; 🔸The Candy project, which provides a whole list of useful bots for the web - will distribute 5000000000000 MintCandy tokens; 🔸Project Messege, which provides a unique opportunity to send advertising NFTs to addresses in the network - will distribute 1,000,000 Messege tokens; 🔸@midjourneyfreebot - will distribute 1 DEL for Fast generation to each user, so hurry up to start a wallet in the bot. 🚀Prizes will be shipped in the coming week. Check your balances! If the prize didn't come - don't get upset, because Decimal holds many contests, and maybe, taking part in the next one, you will become a winner. "But that's not all the prizes announced, is it?" - you say. It's true, so tomorrow we will draw the rest of the prizes from the projects with the help of randomizer. To the creators of which, special thanks for supporting the contest. That's all for today, tomorrow wait for the continuation😉 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord |💬 Threads | 🔶Binance live | 🔸 Binance Feed
Hello, community. We are happy to announce that the Decimal birthday contest is over.
📈Hello, community! We are happy to announce that the Decimal birthday contest is over. We stayed up for three days and three nights to collect all the comments you left for almost a month on all our social networks to participate in the Decimal birthday contest. First of all, thank you again for your support and well wishes. We're sure we'll be coming back to them and rereading them to boost morale! Secondly, to the statistics. We have processed over 3000 comments and received almost 1000 relevant addresses. And it is among these addresses that the following prizes will be equally distributed: 🔸Of the Decimal blockchain team, 100,000 DDAO will be distributed; 🔸The exchange will distribute 1,000,000 BTT, which you can use to pay commissions at a discount of up to 50%, as well as vote for the listing of your token on the exchange and buy special statuses, more details; 🔸The Candy project, which provides a whole list of useful bots for the web - will distribute 5000000000000 MintCandy tokens; 🔸Project Messege, which provides a unique opportunity to send advertising NFTs to addresses in the network - will distribute 1,000,000 Messege tokens; 🔸@midjourneyfreebot - will distribute 1 DEL for Fast generation to each user, so hurry up to start a wallet in the bot. 🚀Prizes will be shipped in the coming week. Check your balances! If the prize didn't come - don't get upset, because Decimal holds many contests, and maybe, taking part in the next one, you will become a winner. "But that's not all the prizes announced, is it?" - you say. It's true, so tomorrow we will draw the rest of the prizes from the projects with the help of randomizer. To the creators of which, special thanks for supporting the contest. That's all for today, tomorrow wait for the continuation😉 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord |💬 Threads | 🔶Binance live | 🔸 Binance Feed
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 17:05
📈Привет, комьюнити! Спешим сообщить, что конкурс в честь дня рождения Decimal окончен. Мы не спали три дня и три ночи, чтобы собрать все комментарии, которые вы оставляли почти месяц во всех наших социальных сетях для участия в конкурсе в честь трёхлетия Decimal. Во-первых, ещё раз спасибо вам за поддержку и добрые пожелания. Уверены, будем к ним возвращаться и перечитывать для поднятия боевого духа! Во-вторых, к статистике. Мы обработали свыше 3000 комментариев и получили почти 1000 релевантных адресов. И именно между этими адресами будут распределены в равной доле следующие призы: 🔸От команды блокчейна Decimal будет распределено 100,000 DDAO; 🔸От биржи будет распределено 1,000,000 BTT, которыми вы можете платить комиссию со скидкой до 50%, а также проголосовать за листинг вашего токена на бирже и покупать особые статусы, подробнее; 🔸Проект Candy, предоставляющий целый список полезных ботов для сети распределит 500000000 токенов MintCandy; 🔸Проект Messege, предоставляющий уникальную возможность рассылки рекламных NFT по адресам в сети распределит 1,000,000 токенов Messege; 🔸@midjourneyfreebot распределит 1 DEL для Fast генерации каждому пользователю, так что спешите завести кошелек в боте. 🚀В ближайшую неделю будет производится отправка призов. Проверяйте балансы! Если приз не пришел не расстраивайтесь, ведь Decimal проводит много конкурсов, и возможно, приняв участие в следующем, вы станете победителем. «Но ведь это не все заявленные призы?» скажите вы. Это действительно так, поэтому завтра мы с помощью рандомайзера разыграем остальную часть призов от проектов. Создателям которых, отдельная благодарность в поддержке конкурса. На сегодня это всё, завтра ждите продолжения😉 📈Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат | 🪙CMC | 💸Дзен | 💬ВКонтакте | 📹YouTube | 🔶Binance live | 🔸Binance Feed
Привет, комьюнити. Спешим сообщить, что конкурс в честь дня рождения Decimal окончен.
📈Привет, комьюнити! Спешим сообщить, что конкурс в честь дня рождения Decimal окончен. Мы не спали три дня и три ночи, чтобы собрать все комментарии, которые вы оставляли почти месяц во всех наших социальных сетях для участия в конкурсе в честь трёхлетия Decimal. Во-первых, ещё раз спасибо вам за поддержку и добрые пожелания. Уверены, будем к ним возвращаться и перечитывать для поднятия боевого духа! Во-вторых, к статистике. Мы обработали свыше 3000 комментариев и получили почти 1000 релевантных адресов. И именно между этими адресами будут распределены в равной доле следующие призы: 🔸От команды блокчейна Decimal будет распределено 100,000 DDAO; 🔸От биржи будет распределено 1,000,000 BTT, которыми вы можете платить комиссию со скидкой до 50%, а также проголосовать за листинг вашего токена на бирже и покупать особые статусы, подробнее; 🔸Проект Candy, предоставляющий целый список полезных ботов для сети — распределит 500000000 токенов MintCandy; 🔸Проект Messege, предоставляющий уникальную возможность рассылки рекламных NFT по адресам в сети — распределит 1,000,000 токенов Messege; 🔸@midjourneyfreebot — распределит 1 DEL для Fast генерации каждому пользователю, так что спешите завести кошелек в боте. 🚀В ближайшую неделю будет производится отправка призов. Проверяйте балансы! Если приз не пришел — не расстраивайтесь, ведь Decimal проводит много конкурсов, и возможно, приняв участие в следующем, вы станете победителем. «Но ведь это не все заявленные призы?» — скажите вы. Это действительно так, поэтому завтра мы с помощью рандомайзера разыграем остальную часть призов от проектов. Создателям которых, отдельная благодарность в поддержке конкурса. На сегодня это всё, завтра ждите продолжения😉 📈Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат | 🪙CMC | 💸Дзен | 💬ВКонтакте | 📹YouTube | 🔶Binance live | 🔸Binance Feed
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 14:01
Thank you so much for joining! For any more questions, catch us on Discord!
Thank you so much for joining. For any more questions, catch us on Discord.
Thank you so much for joining! For any more questions, catch us on Discord!
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 13:30
Join in! We are live on Twitter spaces:
Join in. We are live on Twitter spaces:.
Join in! We are live on Twitter spaces:
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 13:29
Decimal twitter news 23 August 2023 13:29
DecimalDEL #689
23 Aug 2023, 11:30
Make sure to tune in. Two hours to go!
Make sure to tune in. Two hours to go.
Make sure to tune in. Two hours to go!
DecimalDEL #689
22 Aug 2023, 16:00
🔵 Easy contract creation👑 The decimal blockchain also makes it easy to create smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are stored on the blockchain. They can be used to automate a variety of tasks, such as token transfers, payments, and voting. 7/7
Easy contract creation. The decimal blockchain also makes it easy to create smart contracts.
🔵 Easy contract creation👑 The decimal blockchain also makes it easy to create smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are stored on the blockchain. They can be used to automate a variety of tasks, such as token transfers, payments, and voting. 7/7
DecimalDEL #689
22 Aug 2023, 16:00
🔵 Easy-to-use token creation tools⚙️ Several easy-to-use tools are available to help you create a token on the decimal blockchain. These tools make the process of token creation simple and straightforward, even for beginners. 6/7
Easy-to-use token creation tools. Several easy-to-use tools are available to help you create a token on the decimal blockchain.
🔵 Easy-to-use token creation tools⚙️ Several easy-to-use tools are available to help you create a token on the decimal blockchain. These tools make the process of token creation simple and straightforward, even for beginners. 6/7
DecimalDEL #689
22 Aug 2023, 16:00
~ Define the properties of your token, such as its decimal places and whether it is transferable. ~ Create a smart contract for your token. ~ Deploy your smart contract to the decimal blockchain. 5/7
~ Define the properties of your token, such as its decimal places and whether it is transferable.
~ Define the properties of your token, such as its decimal places and whether it is transferable. ~ Create a smart contract for your token. ~ Deploy your smart contract to the decimal blockchain. 5/7
DecimalDEL #689
22 Aug 2023, 16:00
Token creation is super easy on the Decimal #blockchain!🚀 In this thread, we will discuss how to create your own token on the decimal blockchain in a few simple steps. Read this to become a pseudo blockchain dev:🧠 🧵(1/7)
Token creation is super easy on the Decimal #blockchain.
Token creation is super easy on the Decimal #blockchain!🚀 In this thread, we will discuss how to create your own token on the decimal blockchain in a few simple steps. Read this to become a pseudo blockchain dev:🧠 🧵(1/7)