Комьюнити. Вы уже, наверно, несказанно рады, что неделя закончилась и наступают желанные выходные. Мы тоже.
28 Jul 2023, 16:01
📈 Комьюнити!
Вы уже, наверно, несказанно рады, что неделя закончилась и наступают желанные выходные? Мы тоже! Но давай сначала подытожим результаты недели - Пятничный Дайджест!
🔥Запуск DUSD
Состоялся успешный запуск DUSD. Благодаря запуску DEX, а именно AmpleSwap и верификации его контракта в Mainnet Decimal Smart Chain, у DUSD теперь есть функционал. А это значит, что появится больше торговых пар, будет дополнительная ликвидность на рынке, конвертация к DUSD/BUSD/USDT и будут доп. пулы ликвидности.
⚡️ Время квестов
На днях Decimal стал доступен на Zealy. Zealy — это интерактивное пространство квестов для сообществ web3, где пользователи могут взаимодействовать со своими любимыми проектами и зарабатывать баллы. Возглавьте чарт игроков и станьте самым заметным пользователем Decimal!
📈 DEL на TapBit
Мы возобновили процесс интеграции и впереди на всех ждёт листинг Decimal на бирже TapBit. Это процесс активной работы по наращиванию ликвидности рынка, а также мы повышаем привлекательность DEL для трейдинга.
🍎 AmpleSwap x Decimal
На блокчейне Decimal Smart Chain запускается полноценный DEX! Ранее мы анонсировали это событие и пока коллеги из занимаются разработкой, проект AmpleSwap, с уже готовым DEX, который находится в листинге CMC - опередил их и стал первым DEX запущенным на Decimal.
🏆Результаты Decimal DAPPS
Команда Decimal DAPPS на днях выкатила большой отчёт за полугодие работы своих продуктов. Сравнили данные со статистикой от 28 марта 2023 года. Ознакомиться с результатами и порадоваться вместе с ребятами можно здесь.
☀️ Пока поделились всеми новостями, но если что-то появится - вы узнаете об этом первыми. Желаем приятного отдыха!
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Same news in other sources
128 Jul 2023, 16:01
📈 Community!
By now, you must be unspeakably happy that the week is over and the coveted weekend is coming? We are too! But let's summarize the week's results first - Friday Digest!
🔥 DUSD Launch
There was a successful launch of DUSD. Thanks to the launch of DEX, specifically AmpleSwap and the verification of its contract with Mainnet Decimal Smart Chain, DUSD now has functionality. Which means there will be more trading pairs, additional liquidity in the market, conversion to DUSD/BUSD/USDT and additional liquidity pools.
⚡️ Quest Time
The other day Decimal became available on Zealy. Zealy is an interactive quest space for web3 communities where users can interact with their favorite projects and earn points. Top the player chart and become Decimal's most visible user!
📈 DEL on TapBit
We have resumed the integration process and ahead of everyone is the listing of Decimal on the TapBit exchange. This is a process of actively working to build market liquidity and we are also making DEL more attractive for trading.
🍎 AmpleSwap x Decimal
A full-fledged DEX is launching on the Decimal Smart Chain blockchain! Earlier we announced this event and while our colleagues from are working on the development, AmpleSwap project, with already ready DEX, which is listed on CMC - beat them and became the first DEX launched on Decimal.
🏆 Decimal DAPPS results
The Decimal DAPPS team rolled out a big half year report on their products the other day. They compared the data with statistics from March 28, 2023. You can read the results and rejoice with the guys here.
☀️ We have shared all the news so far, but if something appears, you will be the first to know about it. We wish you a pleasant vacation!
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Community. By now, you must be unspeakably happy that the week is over and the coveted weekend is coming. We are too.
📈 Community!
By now, you must be unspeakably happy that the week is over and the coveted weekend is coming? We are too! But let's summarize the week's results first - Friday Digest!
🔥 DUSD Launch
There was a successful launch of DUSD. Thanks to the launch of DEX, specifically AmpleSwap and the verification of its contract with Mainnet Decimal Smart Chain, DUSD now has functionality. Which means there will be more trading pairs, additional liquidity in the market, conversion to DUSD/BUSD/USDT and additional liquidity pools.
⚡️ Quest Time
The other day Decimal became available on Zealy. Zealy is an interactive quest space for web3 communities where users can interact with their favorite projects and earn points. Top the player chart and become Decimal's most visible user!
📈 DEL on TapBit
We have resumed the integration process and ahead of everyone is the listing of Decimal on the TapBit exchange. This is a process of actively working to build market liquidity and we are also making DEL more attractive for trading.
🍎 AmpleSwap x Decimal
A full-fledged DEX is launching on the Decimal Smart Chain blockchain! Earlier we announced this event and while our colleagues from are working on the development, AmpleSwap project, with already ready DEX, which is listed on CMC - beat them and became the first DEX launched on Decimal.
🏆 Decimal DAPPS results
The Decimal DAPPS team rolled out a big half year report on their products the other day. They compared the data with statistics from March 28, 2023. You can read the results and rejoice with the guys here.
☀️ We have shared all the news so far, but if something appears, you will be the first to know about it. We wish you a pleasant vacation!
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