Крупнейшее в мире рейтинговое агентство криптовалют CoinMarketCap.
16 Jan 2023, 18:36
🪙Крупнейшее в мире рейтинговое агентство криптовалют CoinMarketCap.com произвело проверку значения Circulating Supply для Decimal, по результатам которой:
🔸DEL занял 300 позицию среди 22 288 криптовалют в мире.
🔸Значение Circulating Supply верифицировано и составляет: 2,657,566,366 DEL
🔸Значение Market Cap (рыночная капитализация), обновлено до фактических: $68,797,186
Об этом важном шаге мы сообщали в посте, теперь все пункты, которые зависели от команды — выполнены. Дальнейшие шаги и попадание DEL в ТОП 200 и ТОП 100 мировых криптовалют в руках каждого из вас. Каждое ваше действие имеет огромный вес! Далее будут представлены следующие цели и шаги необходимые для их достижения.
‼️Для попадания DEL в ТОП 200, необходима капитализация $106 302 654.64. Ее можно достичь при курсе $0.04. Для достижения этой отметки на торговых площадках находится DEL на сумму всего 10,000 USDT
‼️А для попадания DEL в ТОП 100, необходима капитализация $372 059 291.24, которая будет достигнута при курсе $0.14. Для достижения этой отметки на торговых площадках находится DEL на сумму всего 40,000 USDT
Мы 3 года шли к этой цели и достигли ее совместно с вами. Теперь успех проекта зависит от каждого из вас даже больше, чем от команды разработчиков!
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Same news in other sources
216 Jan 2023, 19:45
🚀 $DEL is in the TOP 300 coins by the #rank of @CoinMarketCap!
Read more:
$DEL is in the TOP 300 coins by the #rank of @CoinMarketCap. Read more:.
🚀 $DEL is in the TOP 300 coins by the #rank of @CoinMarketCap!
Read more: https://t.co/LGjbzCudVC https://t.co/OouvaFOi5k
16 Jan 2023, 18:36
🪙 The world's largest cryptocurrency rating agency CoinMarketCap.com performed a Circulating Supply value check for Decimal, which resulted in:
🔸DEL ranked #300 among 22,288 cryptocurrencies worldwide.
🔸DEL's Circulating Supply value is verified and is: 2,657,566,366 DEL
🔸Market Cap value, updated to actual: $68,797,186
We mentioned this important step in the post, and now all the items that depended on the team are done. The next steps and getting DEL into the TOP 200 and TOP 100 global cryptocurrencies depend on each and every one of you. Every action you take carries a huge weight! Further are presented the following goals and the necessary steps.
‼️ To get DEL into the TOP 200, you need a capitalization of $106,302,654.64. It can be achieved at a price rate of $0.04. The trading platforms should have DEL worth 10,000 USDT to reach this mark.
‼️And to get DEL into the TOP 100, you need a capitalization of $372,059,291.24, which can be reached at a rate of $0.14. The trading platforms should have the amount of DEL worth 10,000 USDT to reach this mark.
For 3 years we were going toward this goal and reached it together with you. Now the project's success depends on each of you more than on the development team!
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#news #coinmarketcap #rate
The world's largest cryptocurrency rating agency CoinMarketCap.
🪙 The world's largest cryptocurrency rating agency CoinMarketCap.com performed a Circulating Supply value check for Decimal, which resulted in:
🔸DEL ranked #300 among 22,288 cryptocurrencies worldwide.
🔸DEL's Circulating Supply value is verified and is: 2,657,566,366 DEL
🔸Market Cap value, updated to actual: $68,797,186
We mentioned this important step in the post, and now all the items that depended on the team are done. The next steps and getting DEL into the TOP 200 and TOP 100 global cryptocurrencies depend on each and every one of you. Every action you take carries a huge weight! Further are presented the following goals and the necessary steps.
‼️ To get DEL into the TOP 200, you need a capitalization of $106,302,654.64. It can be achieved at a price rate of $0.04. The trading platforms should have DEL worth 10,000 USDT to reach this mark.
‼️And to get DEL into the TOP 100, you need a capitalization of $372,059,291.24, which can be reached at a rate of $0.14. The trading platforms should have the amount of DEL worth 10,000 USDT to reach this mark.
For 3 years we were going toward this goal and reached it together with you. Now the project's success depends on each of you more than on the development team!
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#news #coinmarketcap #rate