‍ На связи Decimal и это новый дайджест за прошедшую неделю. Читайте дальше, и узнайте, какие события случились в компании.

20 Jan 2023, 17:41
👩‍💻 На связи Decimal и это новый дайджест за прошедшую неделю! Читайте дальше, и узнайте, какие события случились в компании. ⭐️ DEL в ТОП 300 монет на CoinMarketCap Неделя началась с восхитительных новостей! После длительных проверок, мы наконец-то смогли подтвердить показатели Circulating Supply токена DEL при поддержке команды CoinMarketCap. Это событие привело к значительному скачку в рейтинге среди других подтвержденных монет. Таким образом токен мгновенно поднялся с 1000+ места на в ТОП 300. Это событие много значит для нас, основные метрики и место в топе, о которых мы рассказывали ранее. 💬 Конкурс для сообщества в Telegram В нашем канале в мессенджере проходит розыгрыш для подписчиков. Правило всего одно: подписаться. Но, сам розыгрыш будет проходить при достижении новой тысячи подписчиков. Полный условия читайте в посте и делитесь с друзьями. Давайте быть в контакте друг с другом! 📈 Сжигание BTT Прошло первое в этом году сжигание токенов на блокчейне Decimal. На этот раз, компания BIT.TEAM, создавшая свой токен BTT провела ежеквартальное сжигание 20% от прибыли в токенах. В итоге 6 000 000 BTT были навсегда изъяты из оборота. 🪙 Новые токены Эта неделя принесла нам два новых токена. Каждый был создан уникальной командой, о которых мы еще наверняка услышим! Поздравляем их и желаем стабильного и упорного развития. А пока предлагаем вам ознакомиться со страницами токенов в обозревателе MESSEGE KUNDALINI 🔔 На этом дайджест заканчивается, хороших вам выходных! Следите за нами в социальных сетях, подписывайтесь на наш официальный Телеграм, Дзен, ВКонтакте… и другие, ниже вы найдете ссылки на них. 📈Сайт | ✈️Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube | #дайджест #coinmarketcap #рейтинг

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
20 Jan 2023, 18:12
🚀Welcome new Decimal #Digest! Read the full version of it on our #CoinMarketCap page
Welcome new Decimal #Digest. Read the full version of it on our #CoinMarketCap page.
🚀Welcome new Decimal #Digest! Read the full version of it on our #CoinMarketCap page https://t.co/Ze3h6bRPiK https://t.co/zHpuW6KhUk
DecimalDEL #689
20 Jan 2023, 17:41
👩‍💻 Here's Decimal and this is the new digest from the past week! Read further to find out what events have happened at the company. ⭐️ DEL in the top 300 coins on CoinMarketCap The week started with delightful news! We were finally able to verify the DEL token's Circulating Supply numbers with the help of the CoinMarketCap team after a long check. This event led to a significant jump in the ranking among other confirmed coins. Thus the token instantly moved up from 1000+ places to the top 300. We have mentioned this metrics and following TOP 300, so this event means a lot to us. 🪙 CMC Community giveaway A new giveaway started today! As always, every week you can take part in drawing of 5,000 DEL, just executing the steps in the form. Click on the title and follow rules. 📈 BTT Burning The first coins burning of the year has taken place on the Decimal blockchain. This time, BIT.TEAM, the company that created its token BTT held a quarterly burning of 20% of the profits in tokens. As a result, 6,000,000 BTT were permanently withdrawn from circulation. 🪙 New tokens This week has brought us two new tokens. Each was created by a unique team that we will surely hear more about! Congratulations to them and we wish them a steady and hard development. In the meantime, we invite you to check out the pages of the tokens in #explorer MESSEGE KUNDALINI 🔔 This digest ends, have a nice weekend! Follow us on social media, subscribe to our official Telegram, Twitter, Facebook... and others, you'll find links to them below. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈️Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord #digest #coinmarketcap #rate
‍ Here's Decimal and this is the new digest from the past week.
👩‍💻 Here's Decimal and this is the new digest from the past week! Read further to find out what events have happened at the company. ⭐️ DEL in the top 300 coins on CoinMarketCap The week started with delightful news! We were finally able to verify the DEL token's Circulating Supply numbers with the help of the CoinMarketCap team after a long check. This event led to a significant jump in the ranking among other confirmed coins. Thus the token instantly moved up from 1000+ places to the top 300. We have mentioned this metrics and following TOP 300, so this event means a lot to us. 🪙 CMC Community giveaway A new giveaway started today! As always, every week you can take part in drawing of 5,000 DEL, just executing the steps in the form. Click on the title and follow rules. 📈 BTT Burning The first coins burning of the year has taken place on the Decimal blockchain. This time, BIT.TEAM, the company that created its token BTT held a quarterly burning of 20% of the profits in tokens. As a result, 6,000,000 BTT were permanently withdrawn from circulation. 🪙 New tokens This week has brought us two new tokens. Each was created by a unique team that we will surely hear more about! Congratulations to them and we wish them a steady and hard development. In the meantime, we invite you to check out the pages of the tokens in #explorer MESSEGE KUNDALINI 🔔 This digest ends, have a nice weekend! Follow us on social media, subscribe to our official Telegram, Twitter, Facebook... and others, you'll find links to them below. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈️Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord #digest #coinmarketcap #rate