Неделя заканчивается, а значит начинается пятничный Дайджест. Снова в топе.

17 Mar 2023, 18:32
📈 Неделя заканчивается, а значит начинается пятничный Дайджест! 🚀 Снова в топе! Наш пост снова побывал в рекомендациях на главной странице CoinMarketCap. И это случилось благодаря вашему интересу, вовлечённости и активности. Так держать! 🔸 Вам письмо! Получили письмо от Binance.com с приглашением подать заявку на листинг в зону инноваций биржи Binance, поскольку наш проект считают интересным. Ранее мы уже отправляли заявки и ответа не получали, но это был вопрос времени. 🛡 Время Викторины! SEED-фраза на прошлой неделе была успешно разгадана, а значит завтра начнётся викторина Вконтакте. О правилах и начале викторины ещё напомним ближе к субботнему вечеру. 📈 Обновлённый! Прошло обновление bit.team. Обновили главную страницу и шапку для унификации проектов. Также, в шапке появилось новое меню криптовалют, где собрано почти 20.000 страниц с информацией о криптовалютах. А гвоздём обновления стало добавление меню голосования на страницах криптовалют за бесплатный листинг на бирже bit.team. 💬 Интеграция NFT Вконтакте! Нам удалось получить ответ от ВКонтакте по поводу интеграции NFT. Форма уже заполнена и мы ждем ответа от ВКонтакте о дальнейших шагах интеграции. 📈Сайт | ✈Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
17 Mar 2023, 18:46
The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins!:
The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins.
The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins!: https://t.co/s2GEe1tKqx https://t.co/VJUlSIffpP
DecimalDEL #689
17 Mar 2023, 18:33
📈 The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins! 🚀 Back in the top! Our post was again in the recommendations on the main page of CoinMarketCap. And it happened thanks to your interest, engagement and activity. Way to go! 🔸 You got an email! We received a letter from Binance.com inviting us to apply for listing on Binance Innovation Zone, because our project is considered interesting. We've sent applications before and didn't get a response, but it was just a matter of time. 🛡 Quiz time! Last week's SEED phrase was successfully solved, which means tomorrow the quiz will start in google forms. We'll remind you about the rules and the start of the quiz closer to Saturday night 📈 Updated! There was an update of bit.team. Updated the main page and the header to unify the projects. Also, there is a new cryptocurrency menu in the header, where almost 20,000 pages with information about cryptocurrencies are collected. And the highlight of the update was the addition of a voting menu on the cryptocurrency pages for a free listing on the bit.team exchange. 🌐 NFT VKontakte integration! We managed to get a response from VKontakte about NFT integration. The form is already filled out and we are waiting for a response from VKontakte about the next steps of integration. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈Telegram chat |📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins. Back in the top.
📈 The week ends, which means Friday's Digest begins! 🚀 Back in the top! Our post was again in the recommendations on the main page of CoinMarketCap. And it happened thanks to your interest, engagement and activity. Way to go! 🔸 You got an email! We received a letter from Binance.com inviting us to apply for listing on Binance Innovation Zone, because our project is considered interesting. We've sent applications before and didn't get a response, but it was just a matter of time. 🛡 Quiz time! Last week's SEED phrase was successfully solved, which means tomorrow the quiz will start in google forms. We'll remind you about the rules and the start of the quiz closer to Saturday night 📈 Updated! There was an update of bit.team. Updated the main page and the header to unify the projects. Also, there is a new cryptocurrency menu in the header, where almost 20,000 pages with information about cryptocurrencies are collected. And the highlight of the update was the addition of a voting menu on the cryptocurrency pages for a free listing on the bit.team exchange. 🌐 NFT VKontakte integration! We managed to get a response from VKontakte about NFT integration. The form is already filled out and we are waiting for a response from VKontakte about the next steps of integration. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈Telegram chat |📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord