Новый формат еженедельного дайджеста: все события проектов Decimal и компании будут собраны в одном месте. Приступим.
25 Nov 2022, 15:30
Новый формат еженедельного дайджеста: все события проектов Decimal и компании будут собраны в одном месте. Приступим!
1. Что такое NFT? Как они работают и как их использовать?
Рассказываем в новой статье! NFT остается загадкой для многих даже внутри крипто сообщества, пора рассказать, как использовать этот особый вид токенов в своем деле.
2. “Большой брат” следит за Decimal
Началась интеграция с сетью BSC. На прошлой неделе третий токен, созданный на блокчейне Decimal вышел в сеть Binance и остальные токены могут присоединиться к первым трем “первопроходцам” — подробная инструкция в статье. Лучшие проекты получат поддержку от Decimal. И дополнительно, если вашим проектом заинтересуется Binance, то вы гарантировано получителе спонсорство от них. Большинство проектов уже проделали шаги из инструкции!
3. И еще немного о статьях
Предлагаем вам обсудить и поразмыслить над тем, как мир изменился за последние годы и что происходит с криптовалютой на мировом рынке. Восстановили общую картину в эссе.
4. Приложение, которое объединит проекты Decimal запустили на неделе
DecimalProject на этой неделе провели публичный запуск и живую трансляцию с презентацией приложения.
Благодарим вас за поддержку и проявленную активность! Команда выкатила обновление с учетом прошлых тех особенностей.
5. Токен MAKAROVSKY на блокчейне Decimal сильно взлетел!
Изначальный резерв, которым был подкреплен токен составлял 1000 DEL, за время существования токен вырос на 500% и резерв составляет 3,5млн. монет DEL (*прим. на момент выпуска дайджеста). Токен используется аудиторией канала в Телеграме и за это, пользователи даже получают профит в виде криптовалюты!
6. Компания Spacebot выпустила собственный токен SBT
Около недели назад был создан внутренний токен Spacebot. Пользователи уже успели оценить все возможности платформы. Сейчас токен куплен в общей сумме на 4,8 млн DEL! В ближайшее время команда компании выпустит White Paper с описанными характеристиками и перспективами использования и развития токена.
Same news in other sources
226 Nov 2022, 06:00
👋 Hello everyone!
Yesterday Nikita Bogorad shared the latest news from Decimal.
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and exactly what you would like to watch.
00:21 What are NFTs and how do they work?
02:24 The "Big Brother" watching us.
04:29 DecimalProject
05:46 SBT token
07:02 MAKAROVSKY token
➡️ Timecodes are in the video description for your convenience:
Hello everyone. Yesterday Nikita Bogorad shared the latest news from Decimal. So we've added chapters.
👋 Hello everyone!
Yesterday Nikita Bogorad shared the latest news from Decimal.
So we've added chapters. Choose the right time and exactly what you would like to watch.
00:21 What are NFTs and how do they work?
02:24 The "Big Brother" watching us.
04:29 DecimalProject
05:46 SBT token
07:02 MAKAROVSKY token
➡️ Timecodes are in the video description for your convenience: https://youtu.be/gY91qje7ABA
25 Nov 2022, 15:32
Meet the new format of the weekly digest.
All the events of the Decimal and Decimal projects news will be published together. Here we go!
1. What are NFTs? How do they work and how to use them?
Find out in a new article! NFT remains a mystery to many even within the crypto community, it's time to tell you how to use this particular kind of token in your business.
2. "Big Brother" oversees Decimal
Integration with the BSC network has begun. Last week, the third token created on the Decimal blockchain went on the Binance network. How to do that is described in the article. The best projects will get support from Decimal. And if Binance personally likes any projects, there’d be a guaranteed sponsorship. Go ahead, learn and follow the instructions!
3. A bit more about articles
We invite you to discuss and reflect on how the world has changed in recent years and what is happening with cryptocurrency in the global market. Reconstructed the big picture in an essay.
4. The DecimalProjects app launched this week will unite all Decimal projects
DecimalProject held a public launch and live streaming with a presentation of the app this week.
Thank you for your support and activity! The team rolled out an update on past tech features.
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5. MAKAROVSKY token on the Decimal blockchain has taken off strongly!
The initial reserve the token was backed by was 1K DEL, over its lifetime the token has grown by 500% and the reserve is 3,4M DEL (*at the time of the posting). The token is used by the audience of the Telegram channel and for that, users even get profits in the form of cryptocurrency!
6. Spacebot’s launched its own SBT token
About a week ago, Spacebot's internal token was created. Users have appreciated all the features on the platform with it and the benefits so well that the token has already been bought for a total of DEL 4,8M! Soon, the company team will release a White Paper with the described features and perspectives on the use and development of the token.
Meet the new format of the weekly digest. All the events of the Decimal and Decimal projects news will be published together.
Meet the new format of the weekly digest.
All the events of the Decimal and Decimal projects news will be published together. Here we go!
1. What are NFTs? How do they work and how to use them?
Find out in a new article! NFT remains a mystery to many even within the crypto community, it's time to tell you how to use this particular kind of token in your business.
2. "Big Brother" oversees Decimal
Integration with the BSC network has begun. Last week, the third token created on the Decimal blockchain went on the Binance network. How to do that is described in the article. The best projects will get support from Decimal. And if Binance personally likes any projects, there’d be a guaranteed sponsorship. Go ahead, learn and follow the instructions!
3. A bit more about articles
We invite you to discuss and reflect on how the world has changed in recent years and what is happening with cryptocurrency in the global market. Reconstructed the big picture in an essay.
4. The DecimalProjects app launched this week will unite all Decimal projects
DecimalProject held a public launch and live streaming with a presentation of the app this week.
Thank you for your support and activity! The team rolled out an update on past tech features.
Download on Android
Get in AppStore
5. MAKAROVSKY token on the Decimal blockchain has taken off strongly!
The initial reserve the token was backed by was 1K DEL, over its lifetime the token has grown by 500% and the reserve is 3,4M DEL (*at the time of the posting). The token is used by the audience of the Telegram channel and for that, users even get profits in the form of cryptocurrency!
6. Spacebot’s launched its own SBT token
About a week ago, Spacebot's internal token was created. Users have appreciated all the features on the platform with it and the benefits so well that the token has already been bought for a total of DEL 4,8M! Soon, the company team will release a White Paper with the described features and perspectives on the use and development of the token.