Приглашаем на AMA-сессию создателей проектов, которые взаимодействуют с блокчейном Decimal.

08 Aug 2023, 11:00
📈 Приглашаем на AMA-сессию создателей проектов, которые взаимодействуют с блокчейном Decimal. Мы ценим, что вы используете возможности Decimal и желаем, чтобы о вашем проекте узнало больше людей. На данный момент создано 262 токена и 75 валидатора и за каждым, мы уверены, своя уникальная идея, которую вы, дорогие создатели, вкладывали на этапе зарождения проекта. Лето заканчивается и у крипто-пространства начинается активная пора. Мы начинаем формировать очередь из проектов, которые приглашаем в эфир на Binance Live. О вашем проекте узнает не только сообщество Decimal, но и зрители Binance. Канал Decimalchain насчитывает уже более 32 000 просмотров и это все - потенциальные пользователи вашего проекта. 📝 Ответьте на вопросы в предложенной форме: и дождитесь, когда мы с вами свяжемся для уточнения времени проведения эфира. 📈Сайт | 🔸Binance Live | 💬Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube | 🔶Binance live | 🔸 Binance Feed

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DecimalDEL #689
08 Aug 2023, 11:01
📈 We invite to the AMA session creators of projects that interact with Decimal blockchain. We appreciate you utilizing Decimal's capabilities and wish more people would know about your project. So far, 262 tokens and 75 validators have been created and behind each one, we are sure, is a unique idea that you, dear creators, invested in during the nascent stage of the project. Summer is ending and the crypto space is starting to have an active season. We are starting to form a queue of projects that we invite to air on Binance Live. Not only the Decimal community will learn about your project, but also Binance viewers. The Decimalchain channel already has over 32,000 views and these are all potential users of your project. 📝 Answer the questions in the suggested form: and wait for us to contact you to clarify the time of the broadcast. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord |💬 Threads | 🔶Binance live | 🔸 Binance Feed
We invite to the AMA session creators of projects that interact with Decimal blockchain.
📈 We invite to the AMA session creators of projects that interact with Decimal blockchain. We appreciate you utilizing Decimal's capabilities and wish more people would know about your project. So far, 262 tokens and 75 validators have been created and behind each one, we are sure, is a unique idea that you, dear creators, invested in during the nascent stage of the project. Summer is ending and the crypto space is starting to have an active season. We are starting to form a queue of projects that we invite to air on Binance Live. Not only the Decimal community will learn about your project, but also Binance viewers. The Decimalchain channel already has over 32,000 views and these are all potential users of your project. 📝 Answer the questions in the suggested form: https://forms.gle/v7qJp2uQyaLBUvBL7 and wait for us to contact you to clarify the time of the broadcast. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord |💬 Threads | 🔶Binance live | 🔸 Binance Feed