Привет, команда. У нас для вас 3 отличных новости:. мы починили биржу и она снова в строю.

30 Mar 2023, 15:05
📈 Привет, команда! У нас для вас 3 отличных новости: 🔸мы починили биржу и она снова в строю; 🔸началась весенняя оттепель и рынок криптовалют растет; 🔸к нам обратился спонсор, с предложением профинансировать ваш любимый конкурс, да так, чтобы приз был в 2 раза больше чем в прошлом конкурсе. 🛡 Покупайте DEL на bit.team (биржа DEL/USDT или p2p), с 27.03.2023 по 27.04.2023 (включительно) и участвуйте в соревновании с призовым фондом 200 000 DEL. Делегируйте их в валидатор INTERLUDE и получайте максимум стейкинга, ведь комиссия валидатора всего 1%! 🔥Адреса кошельков, купившие и делегировавшие за месяц наибольшее количество монет DEL валидатору INTERLUDE получат следующие призы: 🥇 100,000 DEL 🥈 60,000 DEL 🥉 40,000 DEL Каждый из трех победителей получит полный комплект уникального фирменного мерча BIT.TEAM. 🏐 И конечно, мы распределим наш уникальный фирменный мерч, к летнему сезону, среди 4-10 мест: 🔸 7 комплектов мерча 🔸 Год премиум статуса вашего аккаунта 🔸 Призовой фонд в BTT для оплаты комиссий ⚡️ Обратите внимание, так как призовой фонд небывалых масштабов, будет проводиться строгая проверка на выполнение всех требований. Нам необходимо будет отчитаться перед спонсором конкурса о том, что каждый из победителей не мухлевал и не использовал уловки (как пример: выставил уже имеющиеся монеты, купил сам у себя - делегировал). Поэтому: 1. Не пытайтесь накрутить результат, помимо автоматической проверки на уникальность контрагентов и покупаемых монет, каждый из 10 победителей будет проверен вручную; 2. Сохраняйте ID ордера покупки и хеш транзакции делегирования, в случае спорной ситуации мы запросим эти данные; 3. Покупки лучше всего совершать с полностью верифицированного аккаунта и прямого IP адреса (без VPN). 📱 Телеграм | 💬Вконтакте 💸Дзен | 📹YouTube | 📈Сайт

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
30 Mar 2023, 15:05
📈 Hey, team! We have 3 great news for you: 🔸we have fixed the exchange and it is back in service; 🔸the spring thaw has started and the cryptocurrency market is growing now; 🔸a sponsor approached us with a proposal to finance your favorite contest, so that the prize was 2 times more than in the last contest. 🛡 Buy DEL on bit.team (DEL/USDT or p2p exchange), from 03/27/2023 to 04/27/2023 (inclusive) and participate in the competition with a prize fund of 200,000 DEL. Delegate them to the INTERLUDE validator (https://explorer.decimalchain.com/validators/d0valoper1m3dvrz5dq4jutlsndfj8x4zwej056rpv5ghrrq ) and get the maximum of staking, because the validator's fee is only 1%! 🔥 Wallet addresses that have bought and delegated the largest number of DEL coins to the INTERLUDE validator in a month will receive the following prizes: 🥇 100,000 DEL 🥈 60,000 DEL 🥉 40,000 DEL Each of the three winners will receive a complete set of unique branded merch BIT.TEAM. 🏐 And of course, we will distribute our unique branded merch, for the summer season, among 4-10 places: 🔸 7 sets of merch; 🔸 A whole year of your account's premium status; 🔸 The prize fund in BTT for payment of fees. ⚡️ Please note, since the prize pool is of unprecedented scale, strict verification will be carried out to meet all requirements. We will need to report to the sponsor of the contest that each of the winners did no cheating and no tricks (like delegating existing coins, that means he bought them from himself, and then delegated). Therefore: 1. Do not try to cheat, in addition to automatic verification of the uniqueness of counterparties and purchased coins, each of the 10 winners will be checked manually; 2. Keep the purchase order ID and the delegation transaction hash, in case of a dispute, we will request this data; 3. It is best to make purchases from a fully verified account and a direct IP address (without VPN). ✈Telegram | 📈Website | 🪙CMC 💬Twitter | 💬Reddit
Hey, team. We have 3 great news for you:. we have fixed the exchange and it is back in service.
📈 Hey, team! We have 3 great news for you: 🔸we have fixed the exchange and it is back in service; 🔸the spring thaw has started and the cryptocurrency market is growing now; 🔸a sponsor approached us with a proposal to finance your favorite contest, so that the prize was 2 times more than in the last contest. 🛡 Buy DEL on bit.team (DEL/USDT or p2p exchange), from 03/27/2023 to 04/27/2023 (inclusive) and participate in the competition with a prize fund of 200,000 DEL. Delegate them to the INTERLUDE validator (https://explorer.decimalchain.com/validators/d0valoper1m3dvrz5dq4jutlsndfj8x4zwej056rpv5ghrrq ) and get the maximum of staking, because the validator's fee is only 1%! 🔥 Wallet addresses that have bought and delegated the largest number of DEL coins to the INTERLUDE validator in a month will receive the following prizes: 🥇 100,000 DEL 🥈 60,000 DEL 🥉 40,000 DEL Each of the three winners will receive a complete set of unique branded merch BIT.TEAM. 🏐 And of course, we will distribute our unique branded merch, for the summer season, among 4-10 places: 🔸 7 sets of merch; 🔸 A whole year of your account's premium status; 🔸 The prize fund in BTT for payment of fees. ⚡️ Please note, since the prize pool is of unprecedented scale, strict verification will be carried out to meet all requirements. We will need to report to the sponsor of the contest that each of the winners did no cheating and no tricks (like delegating existing coins, that means he bought them from himself, and then delegated). Therefore: 1. Do not try to cheat, in addition to automatic verification of the uniqueness of counterparties and purchased coins, each of the 10 winners will be checked manually; 2. Keep the purchase order ID and the delegation transaction hash, in case of a dispute, we will request this data; 3. It is best to make purchases from a fully verified account and a direct IP address (without VPN). ✈Telegram | 📈Website | 🪙CMC 💬Twitter | 💬Reddit