Привет, комьюнити. Сегодня пятница, заканчивается первая неделя мая, впереди снова длинные выходные и есть время отдохнуть.

05 May 2023, 15:01
📈Привет, комьюнити! Сегодня пятница, заканчивается первая неделя мая, впереди снова длинные выходные и есть время отдохнуть. А пока они не начались, подведём итоги недели! 🔸 АМА сессия Decimal на Binance! Озвучили дату следующей АМА сессии Decimal на Binance - 12.05.2023. Темой станет WP DAO, кратко разберём важные пункты документа, а также данные по первому этапу эмиссии DDAO. Не забывайте ставить напоминание в календарь! ⚡️Интеграция Decimal x Earn Network Команда Earn Network запустила свой децентрализованный сервис, в который интегрируют возможность стейкинга Decimal. Earn network - DeFi решение, позволяющее хранить, управлять и добывать PoS/DPoS монеты базирующиеся на блокчейнах BSC, ETH и теперь Decimal Smart Chain. 📈 Дайджест месяца Было решено, что для наглядности результата и проделанной работы в течение месяца будет выходить ежемесячный дайджест. В нём собираем самые важные и результативные этапы Decimalchain. Апрельский Дайджест уже можно почитать здесь. 🛡 SEED фраза По традиции, завтра вечером, на нашем Discord сервере пройдёт любимый конкурс на разгадывание SEED фразы с призовым фондом в 1.000 DEL. О начале сообщим на всех площадках. Разминайтесь! ⚠️ Будьте осторожны! Напомним, что мошенники, используя разные варианты и способы обмануть, могут писать вам в самоуничтожающемся чате Telegram от имени Decimalchain или наших партнёров. Также, зафиксированы случаи с просьбой занять N-ую сумму в криптовалюте. Будьте бдительны и обращайте внимание на первоисточник или аккаунт, с которого пришло сообщение. По возможности сообщайте о подобных ситуациях, дабы обезопасить себя и ближних. 📈Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
05 May 2023, 15:01
📈 Hello, community! It's Friday, the first week of May ends, which means it's time to recap the week! 🔸 AMA session Decimal on Binance! The date for the next Decimal AMA session on Binance has been announced - May 12, 2023. The topic will be WP DAO, let's briefly review the important points of the document, as well as data on the first stage of DDAO issuance. Don't forget to put a reminder on your calendar! ⚡️Integration Decimal x Earn Network The Earn Network team has launched their decentralized service, which will integrate Decimal's stacking capability. Earn network is a DeFi solution to store, manage and mine PoS/DPoS coins based on BSC, ETH and now Decimal Smart Chain blockchains. 📈 Digest of the month It was decided that a monthly digest would be published during the month to visualize the results and the work done. In it we collect the most important and productive stages of Decimalchain. You can already read the April Digest here. 🛡 SEED phrase. Traditionally, tomorrow night our favorite SEED phrase contest with the prize of 1.000 DEL will be held on our Discord server. We'll announce the start on all sites. Warm up! ⚠️ Be careful! Let us remind you that scammers, using different variants and ways to cheat you, can write you in the self-destructive Telegram chat on behalf of Decimalchain or our partners. Also, there are recorded cases with a request to borrow N-th amount in cryptocurrency. Be vigilant and pay attention to the original source or the account from which the message came. If possible, report such situations in order to protect yourself and your neighbors. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Hello, community. It's Friday, the first week of May ends, which means it's time to recap the week.
📈 Hello, community! It's Friday, the first week of May ends, which means it's time to recap the week! 🔸 AMA session Decimal on Binance! The date for the next Decimal AMA session on Binance has been announced - May 12, 2023. The topic will be WP DAO, let's briefly review the important points of the document, as well as data on the first stage of DDAO issuance. Don't forget to put a reminder on your calendar! ⚡️Integration Decimal x Earn Network The Earn Network team has launched their decentralized service, which will integrate Decimal's stacking capability. Earn network is a DeFi solution to store, manage and mine PoS/DPoS coins based on BSC, ETH and now Decimal Smart Chain blockchains. 📈 Digest of the month It was decided that a monthly digest would be published during the month to visualize the results and the work done. In it we collect the most important and productive stages of Decimalchain. You can already read the April Digest here. 🛡 SEED phrase. Traditionally, tomorrow night our favorite SEED phrase contest with the prize of 1.000 DEL will be held on our Discord server. We'll announce the start on all sites. Warm up! ⚠️ Be careful! Let us remind you that scammers, using different variants and ways to cheat you, can write you in the self-destructive Telegram chat on behalf of Decimalchain or our partners. Also, there are recorded cases with a request to borrow N-th amount in cryptocurrency. Be vigilant and pay attention to the original source or the account from which the message came. If possible, report such situations in order to protect yourself and your neighbors. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord