Привет, комьюнити.

09 May 2023, 14:58
📈 Привет, комьюнити! Coinbase - одна из старейших криптовалютных площадок, основанная в США аж в 2012 году, когда цена Bitcoin была всего 14$, добавила криптовалюту Decimal (DEL) к стейкингу в своем приложении Coinbase Wallet с примерной ставкой вознаграждения 109,69% в год. 🛡 Многим из вас известно, что в США строгие правила криптовалютного регулрования, за которыми следит SEC (Комиссия по ценным бумагам) и Coinbase регулярно проходит проверки со стороны регулятора. Для нас большая честь оказаться среди 107 криптовалют доступных к стейкингу на Coinbase Wallet. 🔥 Добавление Decimal на площадку с такой историей и строжайшим уровнем соблюдения норм законодательства США является для нас показателем достижения командой одной из важных целей - признания среди мирового криптовалютного сообщества и крупных игроков рынка. Вот информация, которую предоставляет Coinbase: ⚡️ В среднем стейкеры Decimal зарабатывают около 109,69 %, если держат актив в течение 365 дней. За последние 24 часа размер вознаграждения не изменился. За последние 30 дней размер вознаграждения не изменился. На данный момент коэффициент стейкинга (или процент участвующих в стейкинге токенов) составляет 93,31%. Другими словами, в стейкинге задействовано 3,4 млрд Decimal, а это означает, что Decimal имеет рыночную капитализацию 7,5 млрд ₽. Это сопоставимо с общей рыночной капитализацией активов в 8,0 млрд ₽. А также Decimal(DEL) рекомендуют среди похожих по капитализации проектов, таких как: Dao Maker, Kusama, WAX, Kava, Harmony, Band Protocol. 📈Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

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DecimalDEL #689
09 May 2023, 14:58
📈 Hello, community! Coinbase, one of the oldest cryptocurrency marketplaces, founded in the US as far back as 2012, when Bitcoin price was only $14, has added Decimal (DEL) cryptocurrency to the stacking in its Coinbase Wallet app with an estimated reward rate of 109.69% per year. 🛡 Many of you know that the U.S. has strict cryptocurrency regulations, monitored by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and Coinbase is regularly audited by the regulator. We are honored to be among the 107 cryptocurrencies available for stacking on Coinbase Wallet. 🔥 Adding Decimal to a site with such a history and the strictest level of US regulatory compliance is an indication to us that the team has achieved one important goal - recognition among the global cryptocurrency community and major market players. Here is the information Coinbase provides: ⚡️ On average, Decimal stackers earn about 109.69% if they hold an asset for 365 days. There has been no change in the remuneration in the last 24 hours. Over the last 30 days, the reward has not changed. Currently, the staking ratio (or the percentage of tokens involved in staking) is 93.31%. In other words, there are 3.4 billion Decimal involved in staking, which means that Decimal has a market capitalization of ₽7.5 billion. This compares to a total market capitalization of ₽8.0 billion in assets. And also Decimal(DEL) is recommended among similar capitalization projects such as: Dao Maker, Kusama, WAX, Kava, Harmony, Band Protocol. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Hello, community.
📈 Hello, community! Coinbase, one of the oldest cryptocurrency marketplaces, founded in the US as far back as 2012, when Bitcoin price was only $14, has added Decimal (DEL) cryptocurrency to the stacking in its Coinbase Wallet app with an estimated reward rate of 109.69% per year. 🛡 Many of you know that the U.S. has strict cryptocurrency regulations, monitored by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and Coinbase is regularly audited by the regulator. We are honored to be among the 107 cryptocurrencies available for stacking on Coinbase Wallet. 🔥 Adding Decimal to a site with such a history and the strictest level of US regulatory compliance is an indication to us that the team has achieved one important goal - recognition among the global cryptocurrency community and major market players. Here is the information Coinbase provides: ⚡️ On average, Decimal stackers earn about 109.69% if they hold an asset for 365 days. There has been no change in the remuneration in the last 24 hours. Over the last 30 days, the reward has not changed. Currently, the staking ratio (or the percentage of tokens involved in staking) is 93.31%. In other words, there are 3.4 billion Decimal involved in staking, which means that Decimal has a market capitalization of ₽7.5 billion. This compares to a total market capitalization of ₽8.0 billion in assets. And also Decimal(DEL) is recommended among similar capitalization projects such as: Dao Maker, Kusama, WAX, Kava, Harmony, Band Protocol. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord