​Привет, комьюнити. Мы снова с важными новостями.

03 Jun 2023, 14:31
​✨Привет, комьюнити! Мы снова с важными новостями! 🔸Ранее мы сообщали о том, что к нам поступило письмо от Binance, после чего была создана рабочая группа и ведутся переговоры. Вы вероятно подумали, что процесс не продвигается и нет результатов, на самом деле до проведения первого звонка был подписан NDA (договор о неразглашении), который не позволяет нам разглашать информацию о ходе этих переговоров. Зато под NDA не попадают очевидные результаты, те самые важные шаги, которые вы лицезреете на экранах ваших устройств. Недавно Decimal получил собственный Binance Live аккаунт где CEO компании Анатолий Бердников презентовал главную разработку этого года - Decimal DAO и ответил на ваши вопросы, которые по прежнему можно задавать в форме, а на текущий момент это видео уже набрало более 7,000 просмотров. 🛡Следующим важным шагом стал аудит безопасности от компании CertiK. CertiK - несомненный лидер в области блокчейн безопасности, сложных технических аудитов и анализа контрактов. В рамках нашего взаимодействия с Binance компания CertiK провела аудит Decimal и по результатам проверки блокчейну был присвоен сертификат безопасности AA с 87.01 балами, что по совокупности факторов позволяет Decimal занимать 158 позицию среди всех блокчейнов мира, дополнительно получен соответствующий бейдж на CoinMarketCap, с самим аудитом и найденными в его рамках замечаниями вы можете ознакомиться по ссылке Рейтинг CertiK складывается из следующих параметров: 🔸Code Security (безопасность кода): 90.16 - что входит в топ 10% блокчейнов 🔸Fundamental Health (“здоровье” или стабильность работы): 80 баллов - что входит в топ 5% лучших блокчейнов, оценивается по бесперебойности работы, кол-ву валидаторов, штрафов. 🔸Operational Resilience (операционная устойчивость): 85.35 - топ 25% среди блокчейнов, оценивается по кол-ву транзакций, пропускной способности и скорость обработки. 🔸Community trust (доверие комьюнити): 75.39 - топ 45% показателей, здесь к сожалению оценка выставляется по Twitter, а большая часть нашей аудитории не имеет туда доступа из-за чего оценка занижена, но мы все равно значительно продвинулись в этом вопросе за последний год и уверены, что за текущий год улучшим результат. 🔸Governance Strength (Управляющая состав): 89.89 - топ 20% блокчейнов, оценивается по LinkedIn компании, документальному оформлению компании. 🔸Market Stability* (Стабильность рынка): 92.96 - топ 5% блокчейнов, оценивается по показателям рынка за всю историю проекта, включая курс, капитализацию и другие критически важные параметры По традиции напоминаем - факт того, что Decimal входит в топ 5% безопасных блокчейнов мира по версии CertiK, в первую очередь ваша заслуга! Без наших пользователей, у нас бы не было мотивации развивать проект, преодолевать трудности и достигать новые цели. Спасибо валидаторам, которые поддерживают высокий уровень стабильности сети. Спасибо проектам, которые показали нашу активность в сети Binance, что впоследствии привело к активному сотрудничеству. ❤️Спасибо пользователям, которые ежедневно используют наш проект, помогая находить правильный вектор развития, за счет чего мы внедряем актуальные и нужные технологии в момент, когда они больше всего нужны. ✨Сайт | 📱 Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
03 Jun 2023, 14:32
​✨Hello community, we are back with important news! 🔸Earlier we reported that we received a letter from Binance, after which a working group was formed and negotiations are going on. You may have thought that the process is not progressing and there are no results, in fact, before the first call, an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) was signed, which does not allow us to disclose information about the progress of these negotiations. But under the NDA are not the obvious results, the most important steps that you see on the screens of your devices. Recently Decimal got its own Binance Live account where the company's CEO Anatoly Berdnikov presented the main development of this year - Decimal DAO and answered your questions which you can still ask in the form. At the moment, the video has already gathered more than 7,000 views. 🛡The next big step was a security audit from CertiK. CertiK is the undisputed leader in blockchain security, sophisticated technical audits and contract analysis. As a part of our cooperation with Binance, CertiK audited Decimal and as a result the blockchain was assigned an AA security certificate with 87.01 points, which, based on a combination of factors, allows Decimal to take the 158th position among all blockchains in the world, in addition the corresponding badge on CoinMarketCap was received, you can read the audit itself and the observations found within it at CertiK rating is composed of the following parameters: 🔸Code Security: 90.16 - which is in the top 10% of blockchains 🔸Fundamental Health ("health" or stability): 80 points - which ranks in the top 5% of blockchains, as measured by uptime, number of validators, fines. 🔸Operational Resilience: 85.35 - Top 25% of blockchains, as measured by transaction count, throughput and processing speed. 🔸Community Trust: 75.39 - top 45% of indicators, unfortunately, the assessment is made on Twitter, and most of our audience does not have access there, so the assessment is understated, but we still have made significant progress in this matter last year and are confident that we will improve the result this year. 🔸Governance Strength: 89.89 - top 20% of blockchains, as measured by company's LinkedIn, company's paperwork. 🔸Market Stability* (Market Stability): 92.96 - top 5% of blockchains, assessed by market performance over project history, including rate, capitalization and other critical metrics We would like to remind you that the fact that Decimal is in the top 5% of the safest blockchains in the world according to CertiK is primarily your merit! Without our users, we wouldn't have had the motivation to develop the project, overcome difficulties and achieve new goals. Thank you to the validators who maintain a high level of network stability. Thank you to the projects that showed our activity in the Binance network, which subsequently led to active cooperation. ♥️Thanks to the users who use our project every day, helping us to find the right vector of development, so that we introduce the relevant and necessary technologies at the time when they are most needed. ✨Website | 🔸Binance Live | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
​Hello community, we are back with important news.
​✨Hello community, we are back with important news! 🔸Earlier we reported that we received a letter from Binance, after which a working group was formed and negotiations are going on. You may have thought that the process is not progressing and there are no results, in fact, before the first call, an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) was signed, which does not allow us to disclose information about the progress of these negotiations. But under the NDA are not the obvious results, the most important steps that you see on the screens of your devices. Recently Decimal got its own Binance Live account where the company's CEO Anatoly Berdnikov presented the main development of this year - Decimal DAO and answered your questions which you can still ask in the form. At the moment, the video has already gathered more than 7,000 views. 🛡The next big step was a security audit from CertiK. CertiK is the undisputed leader in blockchain security, sophisticated technical audits and contract analysis. As a part of our cooperation with Binance, CertiK audited Decimal and as a result the blockchain was assigned an AA security certificate with 87.01 points, which, based on a combination of factors, allows Decimal to take the 158th position among all blockchains in the world, in addition the corresponding badge on CoinMarketCap was received, you can read the audit itself and the observations found within it at https://skynet.certik.com/projects/decimal. CertiK rating is composed of the following parameters: 🔸Code Security: 90.16 - which is in the top 10% of blockchains 🔸Fundamental Health ("health" or stability): 80 points - which ranks in the top 5% of blockchains, as measured by uptime, number of validators, fines. 🔸Operational Resilience: 85.35 - Top 25% of blockchains, as measured by transaction count, throughput and processing speed. 🔸Community Trust: 75.39 - top 45% of indicators, unfortunately, the assessment is made on Twitter, and most of our audience does not have access there, so the assessment is understated, but we still have made significant progress in this matter last year and are confident that we will improve the result this year. 🔸Governance Strength: 89.89 - top 20% of blockchains, as measured by company's LinkedIn, company's paperwork. 🔸Market Stability* (Market Stability): 92.96 - top 5% of blockchains, assessed by market performance over project history, including rate, capitalization and other critical metrics We would like to remind you that the fact that Decimal is in the top 5% of the safest blockchains in the world according to CertiK is primarily your merit! Without our users, we wouldn't have had the motivation to develop the project, overcome difficulties and achieve new goals. Thank you to the validators who maintain a high level of network stability. Thank you to the projects that showed our activity in the Binance network, which subsequently led to active cooperation. ♥️Thanks to the users who use our project every day, helping us to find the right vector of development, so that we introduce the relevant and necessary technologies at the time when they are most needed. ✨Website | 🔸Binance Live | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord