Привет, комьюнити. Сегодня мы бы хотели поздравить вас с днем рождения Decimal.
01 Aug 2023, 15:00
📈 Привет, комьюнити!
🎉Сегодня мы бы хотели поздравить вас с днем рождения Decimal. Традиционно скажем несколько приятных слов и отметим достижения нашего именинника в этом году, ну а после перейдем к самому приятному - подаркам.
🔥 2022-2023 год, можно назвать периодом зрелости для блокчейна Decimal, когда юный проект попал в суровый “взрослый мир”, где перестали справляться даже именитые проекты. В этих условиях закалился характер нашего именинника, а в его окружении остались только преданные друзья, что позволило не только выстоять перед лицом трудностей, но и уверенно заявить о себе, показав следующие достижения, которые мы собрали в этой статье!
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Same news in other sources
101 Aug 2023, 15:00
📈 Hello, community!
🎉 Today we would like to congratulate you on Decimal's birthday. Traditionally we'll say some nice words and celebrate the achievements of our birthday boy this year, and then we'll move on to the most pleasant thing - presents.
🔥 2022-2023 can be called a period of maturity for Decimal blockchain, when the young project got into the harsh "adult world", where even famous projects could not cope anymore. In these conditions, the character of our birthday boy hardened, and only loyal friends remained in his surroundings, which allowed not only to withstand in the face of difficulties, but also to confidently declare itself, showing the following achievements, which we have collected in this article!
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Hello, community. Today we would like to congratulate you on Decimal's birthday.
📈 Hello, community!
🎉 Today we would like to congratulate you on Decimal's birthday. Traditionally we'll say some nice words and celebrate the achievements of our birthday boy this year, and then we'll move on to the most pleasant thing - presents.
🔥 2022-2023 can be called a period of maturity for Decimal blockchain, when the young project got into the harsh "adult world", where even famous projects could not cope anymore. In these conditions, the character of our birthday boy hardened, and only loyal friends remained in his surroundings, which allowed not only to withstand in the face of difficulties, but also to confidently declare itself, showing the following achievements, which we have collected in this article!
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📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord