Привет, комьюнити. Спешим сообщить вам важные новости, к нам на почту пришло письмо от binance.

16 Mar 2023, 11:28
📈 Привет, комьюнити! 🚀 Спешим сообщить вам важные новости, к нам на почту пришло письмо от binance.com, оригинал письма мы прикладываем отдельной картинкой. Если коротко о содержимом письма - наш проект считают интересным и приглашают подать заявку на листинг в зону инноваций биржи Binance. В этом месяце у нас уже есть 2 подписанных договора на листинг, на двух биржах класса tier-2, но получив такое письмо мы считаем разумным, перенести менее значительные листинги и как минимум дождаться ответа по заявке. 🔸 Что такое зона инноваций Binance? - это инкубатор, в котором огромное количество пользователей со всего мира обращает внимание на отобранные проекты и имеет возможность их купить. Эта зона на наш взгляд гораздо более благоприятнее основной, там где плавают огромные киты, способные манипулировать рынком. В зоне инноваций гораздо большее количество людей, которые изучают и покупают в свой портфель интересные проекты. Признаемся честно, ранее мы отправляли заявки на листинг в зону инноваций Binance, но ответа не получали. И теперь вдвойне приятнее, получить письмо сообщающее о том, что нас заметили и просят отправить заявку. 🛡 Безусловно - это письмо, не гарантия попадания, ведь конкуренция среди проектов огромная, но с учетом того, что мы уже год сотрудничаем и развиваем Binance Smart Chain, и у нас уже лежит статья с крутыми достижениями касающимися BSC, которую теперь мы опубликуем чуть позже этой важной новости, есть повод полагать, что совокупность наших достижений и развития проекта - замечена и листинг на лучшей в мире бирже лишь вопрос времени. 🔥 Заявка заполнена и подана сегодняшним днем, будем ждать ответ от команды аудиторов Binance. Спасибо каждому из наших пользователей - этот результат в первую очередь ваше достижение! Мы большие молодцы и работаем как слаженный механизм на достижение общей цели и каждый день приближение этой цели становится все более явным. 📈Сайт | ✈Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
16 Mar 2023, 11:30
​📈 Hey, community! 🚀 We are happy to inform you of an important news, that is, we`ve received a letter from binance.com, and we`re attaching the original letter with a separate picture. Briefly about the letter content: our project is considered interesting and invited to apply for a listing in the innovation zone of the Binance exchange. This month we already have 2 signed listing agreements, on two tier-2 exchanges, but having received such a letter, we consider it reasonable to postpone less significant listings and at least wait for a response on the application. 🔸 What is the Binance Innovation Zone? It is an incubator in which a huge number of users from all over the world pay attention to selected projects and have the opportunity to buy them. In our opinion, this zone is much more favorable than the main one, where huge whales swim, capable of manipulating the market. There are a much larger number of people in the innovation zone who study and buy interesting projects into their portfolio. To be honest, we previously sent applications for listing to the Binance innovation zone, but we did not receive a response. And now it is doubly pleasant to receive a letter informing us that we have been noticed and asked to send a request. 🛡 Of course, this letter is not a guarantee of getting in, because the competition among projects is huge, but given that we have been cooperating and developing Binance Smart Chain for a year, and we already have an article with cool achievements concerning BSC, which we will now publish a little later this important news, there is the reason to believe that the totality of our achievements and the development of the project is noticed and listing on the world's best stock exchange is only a matter of time. 🔥 The application has been completed and submitted today, and we`ll be looking forward for a response from the Binance audit team. And we thank each of our users - this result is your achievement too! We are great fellows and work as a well-coordinated mechanism to achieve a common goal, and day after day, we`re approaching to this goal. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈Telegram chat |📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
​ Hey, community. We are happy to inform you of an important news, that is, we`ve received a letter from binance.
​📈 Hey, community! 🚀 We are happy to inform you of an important news, that is, we`ve received a letter from binance.com, and we`re attaching the original letter with a separate picture. Briefly about the letter content: our project is considered interesting and invited to apply for a listing in the innovation zone of the Binance exchange. This month we already have 2 signed listing agreements, on two tier-2 exchanges, but having received such a letter, we consider it reasonable to postpone less significant listings and at least wait for a response on the application. 🔸 What is the Binance Innovation Zone? It is an incubator in which a huge number of users from all over the world pay attention to selected projects and have the opportunity to buy them. In our opinion, this zone is much more favorable than the main one, where huge whales swim, capable of manipulating the market. There are a much larger number of people in the innovation zone who study and buy interesting projects into their portfolio. To be honest, we previously sent applications for listing to the Binance innovation zone, but we did not receive a response. And now it is doubly pleasant to receive a letter informing us that we have been noticed and asked to send a request. 🛡 Of course, this letter is not a guarantee of getting in, because the competition among projects is huge, but given that we have been cooperating and developing Binance Smart Chain for a year, and we already have an article with cool achievements concerning BSC, which we will now publish a little later this important news, there is the reason to believe that the totality of our achievements and the development of the project is noticed and listing on the world's best stock exchange is only a matter of time. 🔥 The application has been completed and submitted today, and we`ll be looking forward for a response from the Binance audit team. And we thank each of our users - this result is your achievement too! We are great fellows and work as a well-coordinated mechanism to achieve a common goal, and day after day, we`re approaching to this goal. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈Telegram chat |📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord