Привет, комьюнити.

12 Apr 2023, 11:36
📈 Привет, комьюнити! Вчера многие из вас заметили по графику значительный рост курса и это было довольно закономерно, учитывая 2 хороших новости. Но скорее всего решающей в этом стала третья новость, которую мы не стали выкладывать вчера, чтобы не перенасытить вас радостью. 🦎 Итак, CoinGecko подключил автоматическое отслеживание значения Circulating Supply верифицировав все данные. Теперь Decimal (DEL) находится в пределах топ 250-260 позиций уже на трёх из самых авторитетных в мире сервисов статистики криптовалют: CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, CoinMarketRate. Благодаря этому, с каждым днём всё больше пользователей узнают о Decimal, а статус и уровень доверия становится выше с каждым днём. 🛡 Остаётся подключить автоматическое обновление на CoinPaprika, но даже после этого Decimal не остановится в развитии, ежедневно ведутся переговоры, подключаются новые сервисы, добавляются и верифицируются данные, что делает присутствие DEL более заметным на мировом масштабе. #CoinGecko 📈Сайт | 💬Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
12 Apr 2023, 11:49
✨Hello, community! We didn't share all the good news yesterday, but held back a little for today. Now Decimal (DEL): is within the top 250-260 positions already on three of the world's most authoritative cryptocurrency statistics services:…
Hello, community. We didn't share all the good news yesterday, but held back a little for today.
✨Hello, community! We didn't share all the good news yesterday, but held back a little for today. Now Decimal (DEL): https://t.co/bm1fDf5hf7 is within the top 250-260 positions already on three of the world's most authoritative cryptocurrency statistics services:… https://t.co/tTAX7CQIpn https://t.co/5fPZgwJ3xb
DecimalDEL #689
12 Apr 2023, 11:37
📈 Hello, community! Yesterday many of you noticed a significant growth of the rate on the chart and it was quite natural, considering 2 good news. But most likely the decisive in this was the third news, which we didn't post yesterday so as not to overload you with joy. 🦎 So, CoinGecko has enabled automatic tracking of Circulating Supply value by verifying all the data. Now Decimal (DEL) is within the top 250-260 positions already on three of the world's most authoritative cryptocurrency statistics services: CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, CoinMarketRate. Thanks to this, more and more users learn about Decimal, and the status and trust level is getting higher every day. 🛡 It remains to connect the automatic update on CoinPaprika, but even after that Decimal will not stop in its development, daily negotiations are held, new services are connected, data are added and verified, which makes DEL presence more noticeable on a global scale. #CoinGecko 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Hello, community.
📈 Hello, community! Yesterday many of you noticed a significant growth of the rate on the chart and it was quite natural, considering 2 good news. But most likely the decisive in this was the third news, which we didn't post yesterday so as not to overload you with joy. 🦎 So, CoinGecko has enabled automatic tracking of Circulating Supply value by verifying all the data. Now Decimal (DEL) is within the top 250-260 positions already on three of the world's most authoritative cryptocurrency statistics services: CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, CoinMarketRate. Thanks to this, more and more users learn about Decimal, and the status and trust level is getting higher every day. 🛡 It remains to connect the automatic update on CoinPaprika, but even after that Decimal will not stop in its development, daily negotiations are held, new services are connected, data are added and verified, which makes DEL presence more noticeable on a global scale. #CoinGecko 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord