​Привет комьюнити. В этом посте мы анонсировали интеграцию DSC с MetaMask.

28 Feb 2023, 18:58
​Привет комьюнити! В этом посте мы анонсировали интеграцию DSC с MetaMask. Многие из вас, кто более технически подкован, уже испытали новую возможность, используя ручной метод добавления сети. Для остальных же мы подготовили и успешно завершили обновление с кнопкой автоматической интеграции сети DSC в MetaMask. ⚡️А теперь подробнее. EVM - это протокол, который используют большинство крупнейших блокчейнов, таких как: Ethereum (1), Binance Smart chain (56), Arbitrum (42161), Polygon (137), Avalanche (43114), в скобках указана цифра - ID сети, для Decimal ID сети 75. Информацию о всех EVM сетях и ID, с возможностью удобного подключения MetaMask, возможно получить на сервисе ChainList, с которым мы также произвели интеграцию, что позволит всему EVM сообществу получить информацию и удобно интегрировать Decimal, который доступен на сайте по ссылкам: - основная сеть, - тестнет. MetaMask - самый популярный в мире кошелек для хранения и управления криптовалютными активами, аудитория которого составляет более 21 миллиона активных пользователей в месяц. И с выходом DSC - Decimal стал удобен и доступен к быстрой интеграции всем пользователям MetaMask. Какие сценарии использования MetaMask возможны: 🔸Использование обычными пользователями MetaMask для хранения и взаимодействия с Decimal (DEL) под управлением их Seed фразы. 🔸Торговля и быстрый обмен Decimal (DEL) на децентрализованных биржах, таких как PancakeSwap. 🔸Интеграция MetaMask при разработке продуктов (кнопка «Быстрый вход с помощью MetaMask»), что позволит сократить время разработчиков на методы авторизации и генерации Seed фраз. 🔸Инициация взаимодействия с контрактом при помощи MetaMask, что также положительно скажется на сроках разработки и унификации методов. По мнениям, собранным на основе опросов, многие из вас считают, что результаты, которые регулярно достигались командой разработчиков, не приводят к столь желанной для всех цели возвращению цены на ранний ATH, а также “иксы курса”. Поэтому, аудитория подвержена медвежьему настроению рынка. Кризис продолжается и охватил все рынки: такие гиганты отрасли криптовалют с мировым именем, как Bitcoin и Ethereum пытаются восстановить рынок. Но его сопротивление очень высокое, что приводит к регулярным откатам на более низкие ценовые диапазоны. 🔥 Важным, или даже важнейшим показателем, по нашему мнению, является развитие проекта и преодоление трудностей возникающих на пути. Все те действия, которые команда внедряет, производит регулярные обновления и ставит новые цели в дорожной карте это то, что даст эффект только в долгосрочной перспективе. Решающим может стать попадание одного из действий точно в цель или критическая масса достигнутых целей. Как пример точечного попадания можно привести сеть TRON (TRX), которая стала популярной и используемой за счет интеграции блокчейна Tron с компанией Tether. Другими словами, только благодаря появлению на блокчейне TRON (TRX) токена TRC-20 USDT. А отличный пример критической массы достигнутых целей - BNB, команда которого реализуя множество сценариев взаимодействия и применимости монеты отвоевала часть рынка у Ethereum. Decimal движется по пути накопления достигнутых целей, постоянно расширяя сценарии применимости и создавая новые интеграции, такие как: EVM, BNB, IBC, MetaMask, Ledger, Thirdweb, Keplr. И в следующем месяце вас ожидают как минимум 2 отличных новости о листинге, которые многие из вас ждали более года, подписывайтесь на наши социальные сети, чтобы не пропустить важные новости, тем более что за подписку можно получить приятный бонус по условиям розыгрыша. 🌏Сайт | ✈Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
28 Feb 2023, 19:17
⚡️ We have prepared and successfully completed the update with the automatic integration button of the DSC network in MetaMask. And now for more details:
️ We have prepared and successfully completed the update with the automatic integration button of the DSC network in MetaMask.
⚡️ We have prepared and successfully completed the update with the automatic integration button of the DSC network in MetaMask. And now for more details: https://t.co/LWMGtngbC7 https://t.co/H45NfYvVLc
DecimalDEL #689
28 Feb 2023, 19:00
Hey, community! In this post, we announced the integration of DSC with MetaMask. Many of you who are more technically savvy have already experienced a new feature using the manual method of adding a network. For the rest, we have prepared and successfully completed the update with the automatic integration button of the DSC network in MetaMask. ⚡️And now for more details. EVM is a protocol used by most of the largest blockchains, such as: Ethereum (1), Binance Smart chain (56), Arbitrum (42161), Polygon (137), Avalanche (43114), the number in parentheses is the network ID, for Decimal network ID 75. Information about all EVM networks and IDs, with the possibility of convenient MetaMask connection, can be obtained on the ChainList service, with which we have also integrated, which will allow the entire EVM community to get information and conveniently integrate Decimal, which is available on the site via links: - main network, - testnet. MetaMask is the world's most popular wallet for storing and managing cryptocurrency assets, with an audience of more than 21 million monthly active users. And with the release of DSC - Decimal, it became convenient and accessible to all MetaMask users for quick integration. The possible scenarios of using MetaMask: 🔸The use of MetaMask by ordinary users to store and interact with Decimal (DEL) under the control of their Seed phrase. 🔸Decimal (DEL) trading and rapid exchange on decentralized exchanges such as PancakeSwap. 🔸Integration of MetaMask in product development (the "Quick login with MetaMask" button), which will reduce the time of developers on authorization methods and generation of Seed phrases. 🔸Initiation of interaction with the contract using MetaMask, which will also have a positive impact on the timing of the development and unification of methods. According to the opinions gathered on the basis of surveys, many of you believe that the results that were regularly achieved by the development team do not lead to the much—desired goal for everyone - the return of the price for early ATH, as well as the “course x”. Therefore, the audience is exposed to bearish market sentiment. The crisis continues and has engulfed all markets: such world-renowned cryptocurrency industry giants as Bitcoin and Ethereum are trying to restore the market. But its resistance is very high, which leads to regular pullbacks to lower price ranges. 🔥 An important, or even the most important indicator, in our opinion, is the development of the project and overcoming the difficulties that arise on the way. All the actions that the team implements, makes regular updates and sets new goals in the roadmap are something that will only have an effect in the long term. The decisive factor may be the hit of one of the actions exactly on target or the critical mass of the achieved goals. As an example of a point hit, we can cite the TRON network (TRX), which has become popular and used due to the integration of the Tron blockchain with Tether. In other words, only due to the appearance of the TRC-20 USDT token on the TRON (TRX) blockchain. And a great example of the critical mass of achieved goals is BNB, whose team, implementing many scenarios of interaction and applicability of the coin, won back part of the market from Ethereum. Decimal is moving towards along the path of accumulating achieved goals, constantly expanding applicability scenarios and creating new integrations, such as: EVM, BNB, IBC, MetaMask, Ledger, Thirdweb, Keplr. And next month you will have at least 2 great news about the listing, which many of you have been waiting for more than a year, subscribe to our social media not to miss important news. 🌎Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈️Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Hey, community. In this post, we announced the integration of DSC with MetaMask.
Hey, community! In this post, we announced the integration of DSC with MetaMask. Many of you who are more technically savvy have already experienced a new feature using the manual method of adding a network. For the rest, we have prepared and successfully completed the update with the automatic integration button of the DSC network in MetaMask. ⚡️And now for more details. EVM is a protocol used by most of the largest blockchains, such as: Ethereum (1), Binance Smart chain (56), Arbitrum (42161), Polygon (137), Avalanche (43114), the number in parentheses is the network ID, for Decimal network ID 75. Information about all EVM networks and IDs, with the possibility of convenient MetaMask connection, can be obtained on the ChainList service, with which we have also integrated, which will allow the entire EVM community to get information and conveniently integrate Decimal, which is available on the site via links: https://chainlist.org/chain/75 - main network, https://chainlist.org/chain/202020 - testnet. MetaMask is the world's most popular wallet for storing and managing cryptocurrency assets, with an audience of more than 21 million monthly active users. And with the release of DSC - Decimal, it became convenient and accessible to all MetaMask users for quick integration. The possible scenarios of using MetaMask: 🔸The use of MetaMask by ordinary users to store and interact with Decimal (DEL) under the control of their Seed phrase. 🔸Decimal (DEL) trading and rapid exchange on decentralized exchanges such as PancakeSwap. 🔸Integration of MetaMask in product development (the "Quick login with MetaMask" button), which will reduce the time of developers on authorization methods and generation of Seed phrases. 🔸Initiation of interaction with the contract using MetaMask, which will also have a positive impact on the timing of the development and unification of methods. According to the opinions gathered on the basis of surveys, many of you believe that the results that were regularly achieved by the development team do not lead to the much—desired goal for everyone - the return of the price for early ATH, as well as the “course x”. Therefore, the audience is exposed to bearish market sentiment. The crisis continues and has engulfed all markets: such world-renowned cryptocurrency industry giants as Bitcoin and Ethereum are trying to restore the market. But its resistance is very high, which leads to regular pullbacks to lower price ranges. 🔥 An important, or even the most important indicator, in our opinion, is the development of the project and overcoming the difficulties that arise on the way. All the actions that the team implements, makes regular updates and sets new goals in the roadmap are something that will only have an effect in the long term. The decisive factor may be the hit of one of the actions exactly on target or the critical mass of the achieved goals. As an example of a point hit, we can cite the TRON network (TRX), which has become popular and used due to the integration of the Tron blockchain with Tether. In other words, only due to the appearance of the TRC-20 USDT token on the TRON (TRX) blockchain. And a great example of the critical mass of achieved goals is BNB, whose team, implementing many scenarios of interaction and applicability of the coin, won back part of the market from Ethereum. Decimal is moving towards along the path of accumulating achieved goals, constantly expanding applicability scenarios and creating new integrations, such as: EVM, BNB, IBC, MetaMask, Ledger, Thirdweb, Keplr. And next month you will have at least 2 great news about the listing, which many of you have been waiting for more than a year, subscribe to our social media not to miss important news. 🌎Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | ✈️Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord