Привет, сообщество. ️ Думаем, многие из вас успели заметить улучшения в работе бота @midjourneyfreebot.

14 Apr 2023, 10:59
📈 Привет, сообщество! ⚡️ Думаем, многие из вас успели заметить улучшения в работе бота @midjourneyfreebot. Несмотря на то, что бот все еще работает в тестовом режиме запросы обрабатываются стабильно и без задержек, а обнаруженные недочеты были исправлены. Не удивительно, что востребованный продукт привлек к себе внимание пользователей вне сообщества Decimal. Всего лишь за неделю их количество возросло до 3000, и это без какой-либо рекламы. Дальнейшее развитие будет стремительнее, а значит требуется больший запас надежности и скорости, для это планируется следующее: 🔸 Подготовить бот к большим нагрузкам (свыше 10 тысяч пользователей онлайн); 🔸 Добавить все возможности Midjourney, такие как: выбор между v4 и v5, редактирование существующего изображения, разные разрешения получаемого изображения; 🔸 Внедрить ChatGPT; 🔸 Внедрить другие модели по работе с изображениями: Leonardo, DALLE-2; 🔸 Подключение кошельков Decimal для работы с балансом DEL и NFT; 🔸 Покупка Fast генераций за DEL (мгновенно без очереди); Количество участников растет в геометрической прогрессии, а это может значить только одно приток новых пользователей в экосистему Decimal. Новые функции связанные с интеграцией DEL в бота позволят еще большему количеству пользователей стать держателями токена DEL. 🔥 Мы рады вашим комментариям, отзывам и крутым работам. Ведь они помогают с каждым новым апдейтом делать бота лучше. Следите за новостями о боте по хештегу #midjourney. 📈Сайт | 💬Телеграм чат |💬ВКонтакте| 💸Дзен | 🪙CMC | 📹YouTube |

Same news in other sources

DecimalDEL #689
14 Apr 2023, 11:06
✨Hello, community! We think many of you have noticed the improvements in the @midjourneyfreebot bot. Further development will be more rapid, which means a greater reserve of reliability and speed is required. Therefore, we want to tell you about further plans:…
Hello, community. We think many of you have noticed the improvements in the @midjourneyfreebot bot.
✨Hello, community! We think many of you have noticed the improvements in the @midjourneyfreebot bot. Further development will be more rapid, which means a greater reserve of reliability and speed is required. Therefore, we want to tell you about further plans:… https://t.co/yH66e5DQ9u https://t.co/Cyd3tSl4Zq
DecimalDEL #689
14 Apr 2023, 10:59
📈 Hello, community! ⚡️ We think many of you have managed to notice improvements in the work of the @midjourneyfreebot bot. Despite the fact that the bot is still working in test mode - requests are processed steadily and without delays, and detected deficiencies have been corrected. Not surprisingly, the in-demand product has attracted the attention of users outside the Decimal community. In just one week their number increased to 3,000, and that without any advertising. Further development will be more rapid, which means that we need a greater reserve of reliability and speed, for this purpose the following is planned: 🔸 Prepare the bot for heavy loads (more than 10 thousand users online); 🔸 Add all Midjourney features, such as: choosing between v4 and v5, editing existing image, different resolutions of resulting image; 🔸 Introduce ChatGPT; 🔸 Introduce other imaging models: Leonardo, DALLE-2; 🔸 Connection of Decimal wallets to work with DEL and NFT balances; 🔸 Fast generation purchase for DEL (instantly without queuing). The number of participants is growing exponentially, and this can only mean one thing - the influx of new users into the Decimal ecosystem. The new features associated with DEL integration into the bot will allow even more users to become DEL token holders. 🔥 We welcome your comments, feedback and cool work. After all, they help make the bot better with each new update. Stay tuned to the hashtag #midjourney for more news about the bot. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord
Hello, community. ️ We think many of you have managed to notice improvements in the work of the @midjourneyfreebot bot.
📈 Hello, community! ⚡️ We think many of you have managed to notice improvements in the work of the @midjourneyfreebot bot. Despite the fact that the bot is still working in test mode - requests are processed steadily and without delays, and detected deficiencies have been corrected. Not surprisingly, the in-demand product has attracted the attention of users outside the Decimal community. In just one week their number increased to 3,000, and that without any advertising. Further development will be more rapid, which means that we need a greater reserve of reliability and speed, for this purpose the following is planned: 🔸 Prepare the bot for heavy loads (more than 10 thousand users online); 🔸 Add all Midjourney features, such as: choosing between v4 and v5, editing existing image, different resolutions of resulting image; 🔸 Introduce ChatGPT; 🔸 Introduce other imaging models: Leonardo, DALLE-2; 🔸 Connection of Decimal wallets to work with DEL and NFT balances; 🔸 Fast generation purchase for DEL (instantly without queuing). The number of participants is growing exponentially, and this can only mean one thing - the influx of new users into the Decimal ecosystem. The new features associated with DEL integration into the bot will allow even more users to become DEL token holders. 🔥 We welcome your comments, feedback and cool work. After all, they help make the bot better with each new update. Stay tuned to the hashtag #midjourney for more news about the bot. 📈Website | 🐦Twitter | 🪙CMC | 💬Telegram chat | 📹YouTube | 📰Medium | 🤖Reddit | 🎮Discord