Вечер пятницы, конец рабочей недели и первый зимний выпуск дайджеста. Начинаем отсчет до нового года.

02 Dec 2022, 16:00
💙Вечер пятницы, конец рабочей недели и первый зимний выпуск дайджеста! Начинаем отсчет до нового года? В нашей системе исчисления осталось: 4 дайджеста до 2023 года. 💡 Но давайте вернемся обратно и узнаем, что произошло за эту неделю. Погнали! ⚡️ Запуск первой рабочей версии DSC для пользователей! Ровно неделю назад, 25 ноября, Decimal Smart Chain вышел в стадию пре-продакшн. Это означает, что все разработанные модули и функционал не раз протестированы и находятся в "боевом" режиме. Детально о запуске вы узнаете из новости. Переходите по ссылке: 🤓 Видео-дайджест? Теперь ваш любимый еженедельный дайджест в формате видео! Для тех, кто любит слушать и видеть живого человека, вместо текста на экране. Слушайте где и когда вам будет удобно, по дороге на работу или во время вечернего отдыха. 🏆 Завершился торговый конкурс BIT.TEAM 30 ноября команда объявила о завершении и объявила победителей. 10 человек были выбраны победителями, они получат официальный мерч, и первые три места разделили 1 млн BTT. Подтверждены значения CS токена BTT Также на этой неделе команда CoinMarketCap проверила и подтвердила объемы Circulating Supply токена на базе Decimalchain и базового в экосистеме BIT.TEAM BTT. 🎮 Новое слово в вокабуляре крипто энтузиаста: GameFi Помимо невзаимозаменяемых токенов в DeFi существует не менее и интересное направление GameFi. Прочитайте нашу статью и выясните значение этого термина! 🔧 Обновления приложения DCprojects После запуска команда DecimalProjects получили 3 заявки на листинг, провели 2 консультации, и готовят новый проект! На этом развитие приложения не заканчивается команда готовит продукт к расширению, собрав функционал регистрации и включая новый движок. 🍀 Розыгрыш 5 000 DEL По традиции, раз в неделю мы проводим розыгрыш на CoinMarketcap Community. Заходите попробовать свою удачу, некоторые оказываются счастливчиками уже не в первый раз!

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DecimalDEL #689
02 Dec 2022, 20:13
🚀Click on the link to read our very first winter digest
Click on the link to read our very first winter digest.
🚀Click on the link to read our very first winter digest https://t.co/ltlm5iQM8r https://t.co/1er1CUGVhk
DecimalDEL #689
02 Dec 2022, 16:02
📈 Friday evening, the end of the week and the very first Winter Digest! Should we start counting down to the New Year? Well, there are only 4 Digests left till the 2023 year. 💡 Anyway, let's check what happened this week. Read! ⚡️ Launch of the first workable version of DSC for users! Precisely one week ago, on 25 November, Decimal Smart Chain launched into the pre-production stage. This means that all developed modules and functionality have been tested many times and are in production mode. Read more details about the launch in the news. Follow this link: 🤓 What about the video digest? Now your favourite weekly digest in video format! For those who like to listen and see a real live person instead of text on a screen. Listen where and when it suits you, on your way to work or during an evening rest. 🏆 The BIT.TEAM trading competition is over The team announced on 30 Nov that the competition was over and announced the winners. 10 winners will receive official merch, the first three places shared the grand prize of 1M BTT. The CS values of the BTT token have been confirmed Also, this week CoinMarketCap team checked and verified the volumes of Circulating Supply of token based on Decimalchain and underlying in the BIT.TEAM ecosystem BTT. 🎮 A new word in the crypto enthusiast dictionary is GameFi Last week we already figured out what NFT is and what to do with it. In addition to non-interchangeable tokens, there is an equally interesting trend in DeFi which is GameFi. Read our article to find out! 🔧 Updates to the DCprojects app The team received 3 listing requests, held 2 consultations, and is preparing a new project! The development of the app continues because the team’s preparing the product for expansion by building sign-up functionality and including a new engine. 🍀 Drawing of 5,000 DEL Traditionally, once a week we hold a giveaway on CoinMarketCap Community. Try your luck! #digest
Friday evening, the end of the week and the very first Winter Digest. Should we start counting down to the New Year.
📈 Friday evening, the end of the week and the very first Winter Digest! Should we start counting down to the New Year? Well, there are only 4 Digests left till the 2023 year. 💡 Anyway, let's check what happened this week. Read! ⚡️ Launch of the first workable version of DSC for users! Precisely one week ago, on 25 November, Decimal Smart Chain launched into the pre-production stage. This means that all developed modules and functionality have been tested many times and are in production mode. Read more details about the launch in the news. Follow this link: https://decimalchain.com/blog/pre-production-release-dsc/ 🤓 What about the video digest? Now your favourite weekly digest in video format! For those who like to listen and see a real live person instead of text on a screen. Listen where and when it suits you, on your way to work or during an evening rest. 🏆 The BIT.TEAM trading competition is over The team announced on 30 Nov that the competition was over and announced the winners. 10 winners will receive official merch, the first three places shared the grand prize of 1M BTT. ✅ The CS values of the BTT token have been confirmed Also, this week CoinMarketCap team checked and verified the volumes of Circulating Supply of token based on Decimalchain and underlying in the BIT.TEAM ecosystem — BTT. 🎮 A new word in the crypto enthusiast dictionary is GameFi Last week we already figured out what NFT is and what to do with it. In addition to non-interchangeable tokens, there is an equally interesting trend in DeFi which is GameFi. Read our article to find out! 🔧 Updates to the DCprojects app The team received 3 listing requests, held 2 consultations, and is preparing a new project! The development of the app continues because the team’s preparing the product for expansion by building sign-up functionality and including a new engine. 🍀 Drawing of 5,000 DEL Traditionally, once a week we hold a giveaway on CoinMarketCap Community. Try your luck! #digest